Washington, D.C. 20549

                              SCHEDULE 14A

Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Filed by the Registrant:     /X/
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant:  /  /

Check the appropriate box:

/ /  Preliminary Proxy Statement
/ /  Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule
/X/  Definitive Proxy Statement
/X/  Definitive Additional Materials
/ /  Soliciting Material Pursuant to 240.14a-110 or 240.14a-12

                            ENERGIZER HOLDINGS, INC.
               (Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)

      (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

/X/  No fee required

/ /  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i) and 0-11

     (1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

     (2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

     (3)  Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
          pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the
          filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

     (4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

     (5)  Total fee paid:

/ /  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

/ /  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act
     Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee
     Was paid previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration
     Statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

     (1)  Amount Previously Paid:

     (2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

     (3)  Filing Party:

     (4)  Date Filed:

                                [ENERGIZER LOGO]

                            ENERGIZER HOLDINGS, INC.
                         533 MARYVILLE UNIVERSITY DRIVE
                            ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI 63141

Dear  Shareholder:

You  are  cordially  invited  to  attend  the  Annual Meeting of Shareholders of
Energizer  Holdings, Inc. to be held at 2:30 p.m. on Monday, January 27, 2003 at
Energizer  World  Headquarters,  533  Maryville  University  Drive,  St.  Louis,
Missouri  63141.

We  hope  you  will  attend  in  person.  If you plan to do so, please bring the
enclosed  Shareholder  Admittance  Ticket  with  you.

Whether  you  plan  to  attend the meeting or not, we encourage you to read this
Proxy Statement and vote your shares. You may sign, date and return the enclosed
proxy as soon as possible in the postage-paid envelope provided, or you may vote
by  telephone  or  via Internet. However you decide to vote, we would appreciate
your  voting  as  soon  as  possible.

We  look  forward  to  seeing  you  at  the  Annual  Meeting!

                                [J. PATRICK MULCAHY SIG]

                                  J. PATRICK MULCAHY
                               Chief Executive Officer

December  9,  2002

                            ENERGIZER HOLDINGS, INC.
                         533 MARYVILLE UNIVERSITY DRIVE
                            ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI 63141


To  the  Shareholders:

     The Annual Meeting of Shareholders of Energizer Holdings, Inc. will be held
at  2:30  p.m. on Monday, January 27, 2003, at Energizer World Headquarters, 533
Maryville  University  Drive,  St.  Louis,  Missouri  63141.

     The  purpose  of  the  meeting  is  to:

1.     elect  four  directors  to  serve  three-year  terms ending at the Annual
Meeting  held  in  2006, and one director to serve a one-year term ending at the
Annual  Meeting  held  in 2004, or until their respective successors are elected
and  qualified;

and  to  act  upon  such  other matters as may properly come before the meeting.

     You may vote if you are a shareholder of record on November 22, 2002. It is
important  that your shares be represented and voted at the Meeting. Please vote
in  one  of  these  ways:

-     USE  THE  TOLL-FREE  TELEPHONE  NUMBER  shown  on  the  proxy  card;

-     VISIT  THE  WEB SITE noted on your proxy card to vote via the Internet; OR

-     MARK,  SIGN,  DATE  AND  PROMPTLY  RETURN  the  enclosed proxy card in the
postage-paid  envelope.

                                     By Order of the Board of Directors,

                                     [TIMOTHY L GROSCH SIG]

                                      Timothy L. Grosch

December  9,  2002



The  Board  of  Directors  is  soliciting  proxies to be used at the 2003 Annual
Meeting.  This  proxy  statement  and  the  form  of  proxy  will  be  mailed to
shareholders  beginning  December  9,  2002.


Record holders of Energizer Holdings, Inc. Common Stock on November 22, 2002 may
vote  at  the  meeting.  On  November  22, 2002, there were 88,532,668 shares of
Common  Stock  outstanding.  The  shares  of  Common Stock held in the Company's
treasury  will  not  be  voted.


There  are  three  voting  methods:

-     Voting  by  Mail.  If  you choose to vote by mail, simply mark your proxy,
date  and  sign  it,  and  return  it  in  the  postage-paid  envelope provided.

-     Voting  by Telephone. You can vote your shares by telephone by calling the
toll-free  telephone  number  on  your  proxy  card.

-     Voting  by  Internet. You can also vote via the Internet. The web site for
Internet  voting  is on your proxy card, and voting is available 24 hours a day.

If  you  vote  by telephone or via the Internet you should not return your proxy


You  can  revoke  your  proxy  at any time before it is voted at the meeting by:

-     sending  written  notice  of  revocation  to  the  Secretary;

-     submitting another proper proxy by telephone, Internet or paper ballot; or

-     attending the Annual Meeting and voting in person. If your shares are held
in  the  name  of  a  bank,  broker or other holder of record, you must obtain a
proxy,  executed  in your favor from the holder of record, to be able to vote at
the  meeting.


You  are entitled to cast one vote for each share of Common Stock you own on the
record date. Shareholders do not have the right to vote cumulatively in electing
directors.  The election of each director nominee must be approved by a majority
of shares entitled to vote and represented at the Annual Meeting in person or by
proxy.  Shares  represented  by  a proxy marked "abstain" on any matter, or that
provide  that a vote be withheld with respect to the election of any one or more
of  the  nominees  for  election as directors, will be considered present at the
Meeting for purposes of determining a quorum and for purposes of calculating the
vote,  but  will  not  be  considered  to have voted in favor of the proposal or
nominee.  Therefore,  any  proxy marked "abstain" will have the effect of a vote
against the matter. Shares represented by a proxy as to which there is a "broker
non-vote"  (for example, where a broker does not have discretionary authority to
vote  the  shares),  will  be  considered present at the meeting for purposes of
determining  a  quorum,  but  will  have  no  effect  on  the  vote.

All  shares  that  have  been  properly  voted-whether by telephone, Internet or
mail-and  not  revoked,  will  be voted at the Annual Meeting in accordance with
your  instructions.  If  you  sign  your  proxy  card  but  do  not  give voting
instructions,  the shares represented by that proxy will be voted as recommended
by  the  Board  of  Directors.

If  any  other  matters  are  properly  presented  at  the  Annual  Meeting  for
consideration,  the  persons  named  in  the  enclosed  proxy card will have the
discretion  to  vote  on those matters for you. At the date this proxy statement
went  to press, no other matters had been raised for consideration at the Annual


If  you  participate  in  the Company's Savings Investment Plan or in the Nestle
Purina  PetCare  Company  Savings  Investment  Plan  and  had  an account in the
Energizer  Common  Stock Fund on November 14, 2002, the proxy will also serve as
voting  instructions  to  the  trustee  for both plans, Vanguard Fiduciary Trust
Company,  an  affiliate  of  The Vanguard Group of Investment Companies, for the
shares  of  Common  Stock  credited to your account on that date. If the trustee
does not receive directions with respect to any shares of Common Stock held in a
plan,  it  will  vote  those shares in the same proportion as it votes shares in
that  plan  for  which  directions  were  received.


The  Company  will pay for preparing, printing and mailing this proxy statement.
We  have  engaged  Georgeson  &  Company,  Inc.  to  help  solicit  proxies from
shareholders  for  a  fee  of  $11,000  plus  its  expenses. Proxies may also be
solicited personally or by telephone by regular employees of the Company without
additional  compensation, as well as by employees of Georgeson. The Company will
reimburse  banks,  brokers  and  other  custodians, nominees and fiduciaries for
their  costs  of  sending  the  proxy  materials  to  our  beneficial  owners.


The  rules  of  the  Securities and Exchange Commission require that the Company
disclose  late  filings  of  reports  of  stock  ownership  and changes in stock
ownership  by  its  directors  and  executive officers. Mr. F. Sheridan Garrison
inadvertently  failed  to  file  a  Form  4  for  the month of November, 2001 to
disclose  an  acquisition  of Energizer Stock, but corrected it by a late Form 4
for  that  month,  which  was filed on January 4, 2002. As a result of a Company
clerical  error,  Mr.  Daniel  J.  Sescleifer and Mr. Joseph W. McClanathan both
inadvertently failed to disclose an employee option grant on September 23, 2002,
but  each  corrected it by a late Form 4 filing on November 5, 2002. To the best
of the Company's knowledge, all of the filings for the Company's other executive
officers  and  directors  were  made  on  a  timely  basis  in  2002.

                          ITEM 1. ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

The  Board  of  Directors  currently consists of ten members and is divided into
three  classes,  with  one class currently consisting of five members, one class
consisting of three members, and one class consisting of two members, with terms
of  service  expiring  at  successive  Annual  Meetings.

In  order  to  equalize  the classes, four directors will be elected at the 2003
Annual  Meeting to serve for a three-year term expiring at our Annual Meeting in
the  year  2006,  and  one director will be elected to serve for a one-year term
expiring at our Annual Meeting in the year 2004. The Board has nominated H. Fisk
Johnson,  J.  Patrick  Mulcahy,  Pamela  M. Nicholson, William P. Stiritz and W.
Patrick  McGinnis  for  election  as  directors  at  this  Meeting, with Messrs.
Johnson,  Mulcahy,  Stiritz  and  Ms.  Nicholson  to serve until the 2006 Annual
Meting, and Mr. McGinnis to serve until the 2004 Annual Meeting. Each nominee is
currently  serving as a director and has consented to serve for a new term. Each
nominee elected as a director will continue in office until his or her successor
has  been elected and qualified. If any nominee is unable to serve as a director
at  the  time of the Annual Meeting, your proxy may be voted for the election of
another  person  the Board may nominate in his or her place, unless you indicate

VOTE  REQUIRED.  The affirmative vote of a majority of the outstanding shares of
Common  Stock entitled to vote and represented in person or by proxy is required
for  the  election  of  each  director.



Please  review  the following information about the nominees and other directors
continuing  in  office.  The  ages  shown  are  as  of  December  31,  2002.

[JOHNSON PHOTO]          H. FISK JOHNSON, Director Since 2000, Age 44
                         (Standing for election at this meeting for a term
                         expiring in 2006)

                         Chairman of the Board and Chairman, S.C. Johnson & Son,
                         Inc. (consumer products).

[MULCAHY PHOTO]          J. PATRICK MULCAHY, Director Since 2000, Age 58
                         (Standing for election at this meeting for a term
                         expiring in 2006)

                         Chief Executive Officer, Energizer Holdings, Inc.
                         Also a director of Solutia, Inc.

[STIRITZ PHOTO]          WILLIAM P. STIRITZ, Director Since 2000, Age 68
                         (Standing for election at this meeting for a term
                         expiring in 2006)

                         Chairman of the Board and Chairman of the Energizer
                         Holdings, Inc. Management Strategy and Finance Committee.
                         Also a director of Ball Corporation, The May Department
                         Stores Company, Ralcorp Holdings, Inc. and Vail Resorts, Inc.

[NICHOLSON PHOTO]        PAMELA M. NICHOLSON, Director Since 2002, Age 43
                         (Standing for election at this meeting for a term
                         expiring in 2006)

                         Senior Vice President, North American Operations,
                         Enterprise Rent-A-Car (auto leasing).

[MCGINNIS PHOTO]         W. PATRICK MCGINNIS, Director Since 2002, Age 55
                         (Standing for election at this meeting for a term
                         expiring in 2004)

                         Chief Executive Officer and President, Nestle Purina
                         PetCare Company (pet foods and related products). Also a
                         director of Brown Shoe Company, Inc.

[GARRISON PHOTO]         F. SHERIDAN GARRISON, Director Since 2000, Age 68
                         (Continuing in Office-Term Expiring in 2004)

                         Retired Chairman of the Board, American Freightways, Inc.
                         (trucking). Also a director of Federal Express Corporation.

[HOOVER PHOTO]           R. DAVID HOOVER, Director Since 2000, Age 57
                         (Continuing in Office-Term Expiring in 2004)

                         Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, Ball
                         Corporation (beverage and food packaging and aerospace
                         products and services). Also a director of Ball Corporation.

[DANFORTH  PHOTO]        WILLIAM  H.  DANFORTH,  Director  Since  2000,  Age  76
                         (Continuing  in  Office-Term  Expiring  in  2005)

                         Trustee  and  former  Chancellor,  Washington  University.

[LIDDY  PHOTO]           RICHARD A. LIDDY, Director Since 2000, Age 67
                         (Continuing  in  Office-Term  Expiring  in  2005)

                         Retired  Chairman  and  CEO,  GenAmerica  Corporation  (insurance
                         holding  company)  and  Retired  Chairman  of  the  Board  of  the
                         Reinsurance  Group  of  America,  Incorporated  (insurance).  Also
                         a  director  of  Brown  Shoe  Company,  Inc.,  Ralcorp  Holdings,
                         Inc.  and  Ameren  Corporation.

[MICHELETTO  PHOTO]      JOE  R.  MICHELETTO,  Director  Since  2000,  Age  66
                         (Continuing  in  Office-Term  Expiring  in  2005)

                         Chief  Executive  Officer  and  President,  Ralcorp  Holdings,
                         Inc.  (food  products).  Also  a  director  of  Ralcorp  Holdings,
                         Inc.  and  Vail  Resorts,  Inc.


                                                                  AND EXECUTIVE
-----------------------  ------------  -----  ---------  -------  ------------
  William H. Danforth          X         X        X         X          X*
  F. Sheridan Garrison         X         X                  X          X
  R. David Hoover              X                            X*         X
  H. Fisk Johnson              X                            X          X
  Richard A. Liddy             X         X*       X         X
  W. Patrick McGinnis          X
  Joe R. Micheletto            X                  X         X          X
  J. Patrick Mulcahy           X                  X         X
  Pamela M. Nicholson .        X
  William P. Stiritz           X*                 X*        X
  Meetings held in 2002        7         3        1         0          4


AUDIT:  Reviews  auditing,  accounting, financial reporting and internal control
functions.  Recommends  our  independent accountants and reviews their services.
All  members  are  non-employee  directors.

EXECUTIVE:  May  act  on  behalf  of  the  Board  in the intervals between Board

FINANCE:  Reviews  the  Company's financial condition, objectives and strategies
and  makes  recommendations  to  the  Board  concerning  financing requirements,
dividend  policy,  foreign  currency  management  and  pension fund performance.

NOMINATING  AND EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION: Sets compensation of executive officers,
approves  deferrals  under the Company's Deferred Compensation Plan, administers
the  Company's  2000  Incentive  Stock  Plan  and grants stock options and other
awards  under  that plan. Monitors management compensation and benefit programs,
and  reviews  principal  employee  relations  policies.  Recommends nominees for
election  as  directors  or  executive  officers  to  the Board. Also recommends
committee  memberships  and compensation and benefits for directors. All members
are  non-employee  directors.

The  Nominating  and  Executive Compensation Committee will consider suggestions
from  shareholders regarding possible director candidates for the terms of Board
members  expiring  in  2004.  Such  suggestions,  together  with  appropriate
biographical  information,  should be submitted to the Secretary of the Company.
See  "Shareholder  Proposals  for 2004 Annual Meeting" for details regarding the
procedures  and  timing  for  the  submission  of  such  suggestions.

During  fiscal  year 2002, all directors other than H. Fisk Johnson attended 75%
or more of the Board meetings and Committee meetings on which they served during
their  period  of  service.

                              DIRECTOR COMPENSATION

All  directors,  other  than J. Patrick Mulcahy, received the following fees for
serving  on  the  Board  or its Committees. Mr. Mulcahy received no compensation
other  than  his normal salary from the Company for his service on the Board and
its  Committees.

                  Annual Retainer                  $  30,000
                  Fee for Each Board Meeting       $  1,000
                  Fee for Each Committee Meeting   $  1,000

The  chairpersons  of the Committees also received an additional annual retainer
of  $2,000  for  each  Committee  that  they  chaired.


On  May  8, 2000, each non-employee director at that time, received an option to
purchase  10,000  shares  of  Common Stock of the Company at $17.00, the closing
price  for  such  shares  on  that date on the New York Stock Exchange composite
index. Mr. Stiritz received an option to purchase 500,000 shares of Common Stock
at  the  closing  price on that date. Mr. Johnson received an option to purchase
10,000  shares  on September 18, 2000, the date of his appointment to the Board,
at $20.00, the closing price of the Common Stock on that date. Ms. Nicholson and
Mr.  McGinnis each received an option to purchase 10,000 shares on September 23,
2002,  the  date of their appointment to the Board, at $30.10, the closing price
of  the  Common  Stock  on  that date. The options, which were granted under the
Company's 2000 Incentive Stock Plan and have a ten year term, are exercisable at
the  rate  of  20%  per  year, beginning on the first anniversary of the date of
grant.  They  are  exercisable  prior  to  that  date upon the director's death,
declaration  of  total  and permanent disability, retirement or resignation from
the  Board,  or  upon  a  change  in  control  of  the  Company.

On  May  8,  2000,  each non-employee director, also received a restricted stock
equivalent  award  under  which  the director will be credited with a restricted
stock  equivalent for each share of the Company's Common Stock he acquires prior
to  May  8, 2002, up to a limit of 10,000 shares. Mr. Stiritz received a similar
award,  but with a limit of 130,000 shares. (On September 18, 2000, Mr. Johnson,
and  on  September  23,  2002,  Ms.  Nicholson  and Mr. McGinnis, were granted a
similar  award, up to a limit of 10,000 shares, with respect to shares of Common
Stock  they  acquire  prior  to the end of the two-year period commencing on the
date of grant.) The equivalents granted will vest three years from crediting and
will convert, at that time, into an equal number of shares of Common Stock. They
also  vest  upon  a  director's  death,  declaration  of  total  and  permanent
disability,  or  upon  a  change  in  control of the Company. (Upon Mr. Pruzan's
resignation  from  the  Board  of  Directors,  the  Nominating  and  Executive
Compensation  Committee  elected  to  accelerate  the  vesting  of  his  stock
equivalents.) If elected by the director, conversion could be deferred until the
director  terminates  his  service  on  the  Board.  As  of November 1, 2002 the
following  directors  have been credited with the indicated number of restricted
stock  equivalents:  Mr.  Danforth-10,000  equivalents;  Mr.  Micheletto-10,000
equivalents; Ms. Nicholson-0 equivalents; Mr. McGinnis-0 equivalents; Mr. Liddy-
10,000  equivalents;  Mr.  Hoover-10,000  equivalents;  Mr.  Garrison-2,000
equivalents;  Mr.  Johnson-10,000  equivalents; Mr. Stiritz-130,000 equivalents.


Directors  can  elect  to  have  their retainer and meeting fees paid monthly in
cash, or defer payment until their resignation from the Board under the terms of
the  Energizer  Holdings, Inc. Deferred Compensation Plan. Under that Plan, they
can defer in the form of stock equivalents under the Energizer Common Stock Unit
Fund,  which tracks the value of the Company's Common Stock, they can defer into
the  Prime  Rate  Option,  under  which  deferrals are credited with interest at
Morgan  Guaranty  Trust Company of New York's prime rate, or they can defer into
any  of the Measurement Fund Options which track the performance of the Vanguard
investment  funds offered under the Company's Savings Investment Plan. Deferrals
in  the Energizer Common Stock Unit Fund during each calendar year are increased
by  a  match  from  the  Company  at the end of that year. For the year 2002 the
Company set the matching contribution at 33 1/3% for Directors. Deferrals in the
Plan  are paid out in a lump sum in cash within 60 days following the director's
termination  of  service  on  the  Board.

                            AND INSIDER PARTICIPATION

Mr.  Stiritz,  Chairman  of  the  Management Strategy and Finance Committee, and
Chairman  of  the  Board  of  the  Company,  is  Chairman  of the Nominating and
Compensation  Committee of the Board of Directors of Ralcorp Holdings, Inc., and
also  serves  on the Human Resources Committee of the Board of Directors of Ball
Corporation.  Mr.  Micheletto, a director of the Company, is the Chief Executive
Officer  and  President of Ralcorp Holdings, Inc. Mr. Hoover, also a director of
the  Company,  is  the  Chairman,  President and Chief Executive Officer of Ball
Corporation. Mr. Micheletto and Mr. Hoover serve on the Nominating and Executive
Compensation  Committee  of  the  Company's  Board  of  Directors.

                            CERTAIN RELATIONSHIPS AND
                              RELATED TRANSACTIONS


Under  the  Company's  Shareholder  Value  Commitment  Program,  the Company has
granted  restricted  stock  equivalent  awards  to  encourage  direct, long-term
ownership  of  its  Common  Stock  by  directors  and  certain  officers and key
executives.  Under  the  program,  individual  acquisitions  of shares of Common
Stock,  up  to  a  maximum  per  individual, are matched with an equal number of
restricted  stock equivalents which vest and convert into shares of Common Stock
three  years  from  the  date of crediting. Purchases of Common Stock by certain
officers  in  that Program were financed under personal lines of credit extended
to the officers by Bank of America. The Company has guaranteed the credit lines,
but each officer has agreed to indemnify the Company if it incurs any loss under
its  guarantee,  and has agreed that the Company may set off such losses against
amounts that it may otherwise owe to him. Upon passage of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act
of  2002,  the Company and Bank of America amended the guarantee to provide that
it  would  not  extend to any drawdowns under the existing lines of credit after
the  effective  date of the Act. The largest aggregate amount owed during fiscal
2002  on  each of the executive officers' credit lines, to the extent guaranteed
by  the  Company,  was  as  follows:  Mr.  McClanathan-$490,056.01;  Mr. Conrad-
$470,272.92  and  Mr.  Sescleifer-$358,027.08.


In 2000 the Company entered into an Engagement Agreement with Dresdner Kleinwort
Wasserstein  ("DKW"),  under  which  DKW  was  retained,  on an annual basis, to
provide  financial  advisory  services  to  the  Company  in  connection  with
implementing  and  completing long-term strategic plans and, in the event of any
offer  or  proposal  to the Company or its shareholders regarding control of the
Company,  matters  relating  to  takeover defense. Mr. Pruzan, who resigned as a
director  of  the  Company  during  the last fiscal year, is President and Chief
Executive  Officer  of  the  North  American Investment Banking division of DKW.

To  the  Company's best knowledge, Mr. Pruzan did not receive direct or indirect
compensation  related  to  the  Company's retention arrangement with DKW. He has
disclaimed  any  material interest in that arrangement. The Company expects that
its  business  relationship  with DKW will continue and any transactions will be
conducted  in  the  ordinary  course  and  on  competitive  terms.

                                 OTHER BUSINESS

The  Board  knows  of  no  business  which  will be presented at the 2003 Annual
Meeting  other  than  that  described  above.  The Company's Bylaws provide that
shareholders  may  nominate  candidates  for  directors or present a proposal or
bring  other  business before an Annual Meeting only if they give timely written
notice  of  the nomination or the matter to be brought not less than 90 nor more
than  120  days  prior  to  the Meeting. No such notice with respect to the 2003
Annual  Meeting  was  received  by  the  deadline  of  October  29,  2002.

                              SELECTION OF AUDITORS

The  Board,  upon  the  recommendation  of  the  Audit  Committee,  appointed
PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP  as  independent  accountants for the current fiscal
year.  PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP  has  served  as  the  Company's  independent
accountant  for  fiscal years 2000, 2001 and 2002. A representative of that firm
will  be  present  at  the  2003 Annual Meeting of Shareholders and will have an
opportunity  to  make  a  statement,  if  desired,  as  well  as  to  respond to
appropriate  questions.


PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP  billed  the  Company  $1,275,000  for  professional
services rendered for the audit of the Company's annual financial statements for
fiscal  year  2002  and  the  review of the financial statements included in the
Company's  Quarterly  Reports on Form 10-Q filed for the first three quarters of


PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP rendered no professional services for the design and
implementation  of  financial  information  systems to the Company during fiscal
year  2002.


PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP  billed  the  Company  $786,205 for all professional
services  rendered  during  fiscal  year  2002  other  than  audits, reviews and
financial  information  systems  design  and  implementation.

                           STOCK OWNERSHIP INFORMATION

FIVE  PERCENT OWNERS OF COMMON STOCK. The table below lists the persons known by
the  Company to beneficially own at least 5% of the Company's common stock as of
November  1,  2002.

                                                      AMOUNT AND NATURE
                                                        OF BENEFICIAL  % OF SHARES  EXPLANATORY
-------------------------------------  -----------------  -----------  ---------------  ------

 Goldman Sachs Asset Management
 32 Old Slip
 New York, NY 10005                    Common Stock         5,294,938            5.99%     (B)

 Ariel Capital Management, Inc.
 200 East Randolph Dr.
 Ste. 2900
 Chicago, IL 60601                     Common Stock        10,623,767           12.01%     (C)

(A)     The number of shares outstanding used in this calculation was the number
actually  outstanding  on  November  1,  2002.

(B)     Based  on  a  Schedule 13G filed February 14, 2002 by the shareholder, a
separate  operating  unit  of Goldman, Sachs & Co., this amount does not include
any  shares  held  by other operating units of Goldman, Sachs & Co. Of the total
shares  beneficially  owned, the shareholder has voting and investment powers as
follows:  sole voting-4,032,371 shares; shared voting-0 shares; sole investment-
5,294,938  shares;  and  shared  investment-0  shares.

(C)     Based  on  a written statement from the shareholder, the shares reported
are  held  on  behalf  of  its  investment advisory clients. Of the total shares
beneficially owned, the shareholder has voting and investment powers as follows:
sole  voting-8,780,474  shares;  shared  voting-0  shares;  sole  investment-
10,564,237  shares;  and  shared  investment-59,530  shares.


The  table below contains information regarding stock ownership of directors and
executive  officers  as  of November 1, 2002. It does not reflect any changes in
ownership  that  may  have  occurred  after  that  date.

                              % OF SHARES
                                 SHARES     OUTSTANDING
                                HELD IN       OPTIONS         (B)
DIRECTORS                        SHARES       SAVINGS     EXERCISABLE   (*DENOTES
AND                           BENEFICIALLY   INVESTMENT    WITHIN 60     LESS THAN
EXECUTIVE OFFICERS               OWNED        PLAN (A)       DAYS           1%)
--------------------------   ------------  ------------  ----------    ----------
William H. Danforth         1,671,410(C)(D)       0           4,000          1.87%
F. Sheridan Garrison            2,000             0           4,000              *
R. David Hoover                10,000             0           4,000              *
H. Fisk Johnson                20,000             0           4,000              *
Richard A. Liddy               11,000             0           4,000              *
Joe R. Micheletto              10,008             0           4,000              *
W. Patrick McGinnis            38,885(C)      5,622               0              *
Pamela M. Nicholson                 0             0               0              *
William P. Stiritz          2,475,233(E)          0         200,000           2.99%
J. Patrick Mulcahy            311,843(F)     27,714         200,000              *
Patrick C. Mannix              93,186         7,499         160,000              *
Daniel J. Sescleifer           20,000(G)        236          80,000              *
Ward M. Klein                  31,840         5,121         140,000              *
Joseph W. McClanathan          27,359         3,594         100,000              *
All Officers and Directors  4,756,879(G)     55,149       1,084,000           6.58%

In general, "beneficial ownership" includes those shares a director or executive
officer  has the power to vote or transfer, as well as shares owned by immediate
family  members  that  reside  with  the  director  or officer. Unless otherwise
indicated  below, directors and executive officers named in the table above have
sole voting and investment authority with respect to the shares set forth in the
table. The table above also indicates shares that may be obtained within 60 days
upon  the  exercise  of  options.

(A)     Column  indicates  the most recent approximation of the number of shares
of  Common  Stock  as  to which participants in the Company's Savings Investment
Plan  (or,  with  respect  to  Mr.  McGinnis, the Nestle  Purina PetCare Company
Savings Investment Plan) have voting and transfer rights. Shares of Common Stock
which are held in the Plan are not directly allocated to individual participants
but  instead  are  held  in a separate fund in which participants acquire units.
Such  fund  also  holds  varying amounts of cash and short-term investments. The
number  of  shares  allocable  to a participant will vary on a daily basis based
upon  the  cash  position  of  the  fund  and  the  market  price  of the stock.

(B)     The  number  of  shares outstanding for purposes of this calculation was
the  number  outstanding  as of November 1, 2002 plus the number of shares which
could  be  acquired  upon  exercise  of  options  by all officers and directors.

(C)     Excludes  694,554  shares of Common Stock held by Washington University,
St.  Louis, MO. Mr. Danforth and Mr. McGinnis serve on the University's Board of
Trustees,  which consists of 54 members. They both disclaim beneficial ownership
of  those  shares.

(D)     Mr.  Danforth  has  sole  voting and investment powers respecting 62,050
shares  of  Common Stock. He shares voting and investment powers with respect to
1,609,360  shares,  which  includes 781,836 shares held in a trust which are not
reported  on his Section 16 reports. Mr. Danforth disclaims beneficial ownership
of  those 781,836 shares. The 1,609,360 shares exclude 122,125 shares which have
been  reported  as beneficially owned by Mr. Danforth on his Section 16 reports,
but  with  respect  to  which  Mr.  Danforth  does not have voting or investment

(E)     Mr.  Stiritz  disclaims beneficial ownership of 521,357 shares of Common
Stock  owned  by  his  wife  and  140,576  shares  owned  by  his  son.

(F)     Mr.  Mulcahy  disclaims  beneficial ownership of 12,500 shares of Common
Stock  owned  by  his  wife  and  111  shares  owned  by  his  step-daughter.

(G)     Excludes  1,731,005  shares  of  Common  Stock  held  to fund retirement
benefits  by  the  Energizer  Holdings, Inc. Retirement Plan Trust, of which Mr.
Sescleifer  and  another  executive  officer  serve  as two of five trustees who
collectively  exercise  voting  and  investment  power.  These officers disclaim
beneficial  ownership  of  those  shares.

                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

The following tables and narratives discuss the compensation paid in fiscal year
2002  to  the Chief Executive Officer and the other four most highly compensated
executive  officers  ("Named  Executive  Officers").

The  Summary Compensation Table set forth below summarizes compensation received
by  the  Named  Executive  Officers for the entire fiscal year 2001 and for that
period  of  fiscal  year  2000  following the spin-off of the Company by Ralston
Purina  Company  on  April  1,  2000.

However,  the "Salary" column for fiscal year 2000 reflects annualized salaries,
i.e.,  the  salary  amounts  which  would  have been paid to the Named Executive
Officers had they been paid for a full year at the rates in effect from April 1,
2000  through the end of the fiscal year, and the full amount of bonuses paid by
the  Company during fiscal year 2000 is reflected in the "Bonus" column for that
year.  No  attempt  has  been made to pro rate bonuses based on the relationship
between  the  period  before  the  spin-off  and  the period after the spin-off.

                                SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE
                                                                        LONG  TERM
                              ANNUAL  COMPENSATION                        (AWARDS)
                              ---------------------                       ---------
                                                                     SECURITIES RESTRICTED
                                                        OTHER ANNUAL UNDERLYING  STOCK       ALL OTHER
                                                        COMPENSATION  OPTIONS  EQUIVALENTS COMPENSATION
NAME AND PRINCIPAL POSITION  YEAR   SALARY($)   BONUS($)    ($)         (#)      ($)(1)      ($)(2)
---------------------------  ----   --------    --------  ------       ----      ------      ------
J. Patrick Mulcahy. . . . .  2002   $650,000  $2,265,000  $12,774        0    $        0       $585,808
Chief Executive Officer . .  2001   $650,000  $        0  $19,802        0    $        0       $ 53,368
                             2000   $650,000  $  886,500  $     0  500,000    $2,320,000       $176,558

Patrick C. Mannix . . . . .  2002   $350,000  $  835,000  $ 5,553        0    $        0       $219,308
President . . . . . . . . .  2001   $349,333  $        0  $10,137        0    $        0       $450,201
                             2000   $342,000  $  326,500  $     0  400,000    $1,322,075       $ 79,313

Daniel J. Sescleifer. . . .  2002   $216,666  $  625,000  $     0   50,000    $        0       $ 37,308
Executive Vice President. .  2001   $184,849  $        0  $     0  200,000    $  352,150       $  4,558
and Chief Financial Officer    (3)

Ward M. Klein . . . . . . .  2002   $270,000  $  625,000  $     0        0    $        0       $  4,894
President, International. .  2001   $264,167  $        0  $     0   50,000    $  505,564       $300,834
                             2000   $200,000  $  141,200  $     0  300,000    $  126,500       $139,927

Joseph W. McClanathan . . .  2002   $234,000  $  625,000  $ 3,648   50,000    $        0       $153,942
President, North America. .  2001   $231,750  $        0  $ 2,911        0    $  438,301       $187,453
                             2000   $195,000  $  172,177  $     0  250,000    $  201,250       $ 21,216


(1)     Table  shows  value of restricted stock equivalents as of date of grant.
As  of  September  30,  2002, the aggregate number and value of restricted stock
equivalents  credited  to  each  of the Named Executive Officers was as follows:

-     Mr.  Mulcahy,  130,000  equivalents;  $3,952,000

-     Mr.  Mannix,  75,000  equivalents;  $2,280,000

-     Mr.  Klein,  30,000  equivalents;  $912,000

-     Mr.  Sescleifer,  20,000  equivalents;  $608,000

-     Mr.  McClanathan,  30,000  equivalents;  $912,000

Under  the  terms  of  Restricted Stock Equivalent Award Agreements entered into
with  each  Named  Executive Officer, for each share of Common Stock acquired by
each  Officer  in  the  open  market, up to a limit per individual, a restricted
stock  equivalent was credited to his account as of the date of the acquisition.
The  restricted  stock  equivalents vest three years from the date of grant, and
will  be  converted  into shares of Common Stock at that time unless the Officer
elected  to  defer  conversion  until termination of employment. The equivalents
also  vest  upon  the  Officer's  death,  disability, involuntary termination of
employment  or  change  of  control of the Company. If dividends are paid on the
Common Stock, an amount in cash equal to the dividends that would have been paid
if  the  equivalents  had been actual shares of Common Stock will be paid to the
Officer  at  the  time  of  conversion.

(2)     The  amounts  shown  in  this  column  with  respect to fiscal year 2002
consist  of  the  following:

(i)     the  Savings  Investment  Plan  and  Executive  Savings  Investment
Plan-Company  matching  contributions  or  accruals:

-     Mr.  Mulcahy,  $19,500

-     Mr.  Mannix,  $10,500

-     Mr.  Sescleifer,  $6,000

-     Mr.  Klein,  $4,760

-     Mr.  McClanathan,  $7,020

The  amounts  shown  do  not  include  benefits  which were accrued by the Named
Executive  Officers  in  the  Executive  Savings  Investment Plan in lieu of the
PensionPlus Match Account in the Energizer Holdings, Inc. Retirement Plan due to
certain  limits  imposed  by  the  Internal  Revenue  Code  on  accruals  in the
Retirement  Plan. Such additional amounts are disclosed in the information about
the  PensionPlus  Match  Account  found  on  page  17.

(ii)     the  Deferred  Compensation  Plan-a  Company  match  of  25% of amounts
deferred  under  the  Equity  Option:

-     Mr.  Mulcahy,  $566,250

-     Mr.  Mannix,  $208,750

-     Mr.  Sescleifer,  $31,250

-     Mr.  McClanathan,  $143,750

(iii)     the Group Life Insurance Plan-term life insurance premiums paid by the
Company  for  the  first  $40,000  of  coverage  for each of the Named Executive
Officers:  $58

(iv)     Split-dollar life insurance premiums paid by the Company, which will be
repaid  on  a  specified  future  date,  valued  by  multiplying  the  premiums
outstanding  during the fiscal year by the Company's weighted average short-term
borrowing  rate  during  the  year:

     -     Mr.  McClanathan,  $3,114

(v)     Expense  reimbursement-incurred in Mr. Klein's 2001 relocation from Hong

     -     Mr.  Klein,  $76

(3)     Mr.  Sescleifer was not employed by the Company during fiscal year 2000.

                        OPTION GRANTS IN LAST FISCAL YEAR

       (A)                 (B)             (C)         (D)          (E)          (F)
                                       % OF TOTAL
                        NUMBER  OF      OPTIONS
                        SECURITIES     GRANTED TO
                        UNDERLYING      EMPLOYEES   EXERCISE OR
                          OPTIONS      IN FISCAL    BASE PRICE   EXPIRATION   GRANT DATE
 NAME                   GRANTED (#)       YEAR        ($/SH)        DATE      VALUE ($)
----------------------  ------------  ----------  ------------  ----------  ------------
 J. Patrick Mulcahy. .            0           -             -            -            -
 Patrick C. Mannix . .            0           -             -            -            -
 Daniel J. Sescleifer.  50,000(1)(2)       10.2%     $ 30.10(3)   09-22-12  $ 620,500(4)
 Ward M. Klein . . . .            0           -             -            -            -
 Joseph W. McClanathan  50,000(1)(2)       10.2%     $ 30.10(3)   09-22-12  $ 620,500(4)

(1)     Options  granted  were  options  to  acquire  shares  of  Common  Stock.

(2)     Options become exercisable at the rate of 33 1/3% of total shares on the
anniversary  of  the  date of grant in each of the years 2005, 2006 and 2007 and
upon death, declaration of permanent and total disability, voluntary termination
of  employment at or after age 55, involuntary termination other than for cause,
or  upon  a  change  in  control  of  the  Company.

(3)     Market  price  on  date  of  grant.

(4)     Calculated using the Black Scholes pricing model. Underlying assumptions
used  in  the  calculation include a ten-year expiration, a current market price
and  strike  price  of  $30.10  per  share,  a ten year volatility assumption of
19.33%,  a  current  dividend  yield  of  0.0% and a risk-free rate of return of
4.17%,  which was derived from the 10-year treasury zero-coupon yield curve. The
Company has elected to illustrate the potential realizable value using the Black
Scholes  pricing  model as permitted by the rules of the Securities and Exchange
Commission.  This  does  not  represent  the Company's estimate or projection of
future  stock  price  or of the assumptions utilized; actual gains, if any, upon
future exercise of any of these options will depend on the actual performance of
the  Common  Stock.

                                      FISCAL YEAR END OPTION VALUES

                              NUMBER OF UNEXERCISED       VALUE OF UNEXERCISED
                              OPTIONS AT FY-END (#)       OPTIONS AT FY-END ($)
-------------------------    -----------  -------------  ------------  --------------

 J.P. Mulcahy. . . . . .      200,000        300,000  $  2,680,000  $    4,020,000
 P.C. Mannix . . . . . .      160,000        240,000  $  2,144,000  $    3,216,000
 D.J. Sescleifer . . . .       80,000        170,000  $    747,000  $    1,135,500
 W.M. Klein. . . . . . .      140,000        210,000  $  1,794,750  $    2,692,125
 J.W. McClanathan. . . .      100,000        200,000  $  1,340,000  $    2,025,000

None  of the Named Executive Officers exercised options during fiscal year 2002.


                                                       ESTIMATED FUTURE PAYMENTS UNDER
                                                           NON-STOCK PRICE-BASED PLANS
                                     PERFORMANCE OR
 NAME                RIGHTS (#)          PAYOUT          ($)        ($)         ($)
-----------------  ---------------  -------------     ---------  -------     --------
 J.P. Mulcahy           N/A             9/30/04       $ 162,500     N/A      $ 650,000
 P.C. Mannix            N/A             9/30/04       $  72,000     N/A      $ 288,000
 D.J. Sescleifer        N/A             9/30/04       $  55,000     N/A      $ 220,000
 W.M. Klein             N/A             9/30/04       $  59,000     N/A      $ 236,000
 J.W. McClanathan       N/A             9/30/04       $  59,000     N/A      $ 236,000

At  its  meeting  in  September, 2002, the Nominating and Executive Compensation
Committee  approved  the  adoption  of  a  long-term  cash  bonus  plan  for key
personnel,  including  the  Named  Executive  Officers.  In  order  to  promote
consistent  growth in earnings per share from year to year, the plan is designed
to  pay  a  cash  bonus to participants if earnings per share targets are met in
fiscal  year 2003, and then met again or exceeded in fiscal year 2004. Under the
terms of the plan, if the Company's budgeted estimate for earnings per share for
fiscal year 2003 is met, an opportunity is created for the individual to receive
an  additional  50%  of  his  2003  targeted bonus (which is a percentage of the
individual's  base salary) after the end of the next fiscal year; if that target
is  not  met,  no bonus opportunity will be created. In addition, if the stretch
goal  for  earnings  per  share  for  fiscal  year  2003  is achieved, the bonus
opportunity  is  increased to 100% of the individual's targeted bonus. (Both the
budgeted  estimate for earnings per share and the stretch goal, have been set in
advance of the commencement of fiscal year 2003.) In order for the individual to
receive  the  additional bonus, if a bonus opportunity is created, the Company's
actual  earnings  per  share for fiscal year 2003 must be met or exceeded during
fiscal  year  2004. If the fiscal year 2003 earnings are not met, the individual
will  not receive a long-term cash bonus award. If the fiscal year 2003 earnings
are  met,  however,  the  individual  will receive a payment equal to 50% of the
contingent  bonus  opportunity  earned during fiscal year 2003. Furthermore, the
payment  will  increase  to  100%  of  the  contingent  bonus opportunity if the
targeted  goal  for 2004 (the Company's budgeted estimate for earnings per share
for  that  year,  which will be set in advance of the commencement of the fiscal
year)  is  achieved. A participant in the long-term plan must remain employed by
the  Company  through  the end of fiscal year 2004 to be eligible for a payment.
Payments  that  otherwise  would  not  be deductible under Section 162(m) of the
Internal  Revenue Code may, at the sole discretion of the Committee, be deferred
in whole or in part until such time as they are deductible by the Company. It is
contemplated  that  a  similar  bonus  plan  design,  with  cash  incentives for
consistent  earnings  growth,  will  be  utilized  in  future  years.

                                 RETIREMENT PLAN

The Energizer Holdings, Inc. Retirement Plan may provide pension benefits in the
future  to  the  Named Executive Officers. Most regular U.S. employees that have
completed one year of employment with the Company or certain of its subsidiaries
are  eligible  to  participate  in the Retirement Plan. They become vested after
five  years  of  service. Normal retirement is at age 65; however, employees who
work  beyond  age  65  may  continue  to  accrue  benefits.

FINAL AVERAGE EARNINGS FORMULA. Annual benefits for Messrs. Mulcahy, Mannix, and
Klein,  and  other  administrative  employees  who  so  elected, are computed by
multiplying  their  Final  Average  Earnings  (the average of their five highest
consecutive  annual  earnings during the ten years prior to their termination of
employment)  by  a  number  which is 1.5% of their actual years of service (to a
maximum  of  40  years).  That amount is then reduced by up to one-half of their
primary  social security benefit at retirement (with the actual amount of offset
determined  by their age and years of service at retirement). In the case of Mr.
Mannix,  that amount is further reduced to reflect an offset for benefits he has
accrued  in  the  Company's  Australian Superannuation Plan No. 3, a funded plan
sponsored  by  one  of  the  Company's  foreign  affiliates.

With the exception of Mr. Mannix, the following table shows a range of estimated
annual retirement benefits, in the form of a single life annuity with 60 monthly
payments  guaranteed,  beginning  at  age  65,  that  would  be payable from the
Retirement  Plan  to salaried employees, including the Named Executive Officers.
To  the  extent  a  Named  Executive  Officer's  compensation or benefits exceed
certain  limits  imposed  by  the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, the
table  also  includes  benefits payable from an unfunded supplemental retirement
plan.  The  table  reflects  benefits prior to the reduction for social security
benefits  described  above.

                                 RETIREMENT PLAN TABLES

AVERAGE                                               YEARS OF SERVICE
EARNINGS        10        15          20          25          30          35          40
---------    --------   -------   --------    --------   ----------  ----------  ----------
$   300,000  $ 45,000  $ 67,500  $   90,000  $  112,500  $  135,000  $  157,500  $  180,000
$   400,000  $ 60,000  $ 90,000  $  120,000  $  150,000  $  180,000  $  210,000  $  240,000
$   500,000  $ 75,000  $112,500  $  150,000  $  187,500  $  225,000  $  262,500  $  300,000
$   600,000  $ 90,000  $135,000  $  180,000  $  225,000  $  270,000  $  315,000  $  360,000
$   700,000  $105,000  $157,500  $  210,000  $  262,500  $  315,000  $  367,500  $  420,000
$   800,000  $120,000  $180,000  $  240,000  $  300,000  $  360,000  $  420,000  $  480,000
$ 1,000,000  $150,000  $225,000  $  300,000  $  375,000  $  450,000  $  525,000  $  600,000
$ 1,200,000  $180,000  $270,000  $  360,000  $  450,000  $  540,000  $  630,000  $  720,000
$ 1,400,000  $210,000  $315,000  $  420,000  $  525,000  $  630,000  $  735,000  $  840,000
$ 1,500,000  $225,000  $337,500  $  450,000  $  562,500  $  675,000  $  787,500  $  900,000
$ 1,600,000  $240,000  $360,000  $  480,000  $  600,000  $  720,000  $  840,000  $  960,000
$ 1,800,000  $270,000  $405,000  $  540,000  $  675,000  $  810,000  $  945,000  $1,080,000
$ 2,000,000  $300,000  $450,000  $  600,000  $  750,000  $  900,000  $1,050,000  $1,200,000
$ 2,200,000  $330,000  $495,000  $  660,000  $  825,000  $  990,000  $1,155,000  $1,320,000
$ 2,400,000  $360,000  $540,000  $  720,000  $  900,000  $1,080,000  $1,260,000  $1,440,000
$ 2,600,000  $390,000  $585,000  $  780,000  $  975,000  $1,170,000  $1,365,000  $1,560,000
$ 2,800,000  $420,000  $630,000  $  840,000  $1,050,000  $1,260,000  $1,470,000  $1,680,000
$ 3,000,000  $450,000  $675,000  $  900,000  $1,125,000  $1,350,000  $1,575,000  $1,800,000
$ 3,200,000  $480,000  $720,000  $  960,000  $1,200,000  $1,440,000  $1,680,000  $1,920,000
$ 3,400,000  $510,000  $765,000  $1,020,000  $1,275,000  $1,530,000  $1,785,000  $2,040,000
$ 3,600,000  $540,000  $810,000  $1,080,000  $1,350,000  $1,620,000  $1,890,000  $2,160,000

ACCOUNT  BASED FORMULA. Retirement benefits for Mr. McClanathan were accumulated
under  the  Final  Average  Earnings  formula described above until December 31,
1998.  At  that  time, as a result of a one-time election opportunity offered to
all  administrative  employees  participating  in  the  Retirement  Plan,  Mr.
McClanathan  elected  to  earn  his benefits under a new "account based" benefit
formula.  (As a new employee in fiscal year 2001, Mr. Sescleifer was required to
earn  his benefits under the account based formula.) Under this benefit formula,
a  participant's  "base"  single  sum  retirement  benefit  is  calculated  by
multiplying  the participant's Final Average Earnings (the average of his or her
five  highest  consecutive  annual earnings during the ten years prior to his or
her  termination of employment) by a gross percentage that is accumulated over a
participant's  working  lifetime.  The  first  five  years  of  a  participant's
employment  each  credit  a rate of 4.0% towards that gross percentage. The next
five  years  credit  5.0% each, the next five 6.5% each, the next five 8.0% each
and  each  year  in excess of 20 years credits 10% per year. In addition to this
"base"  single  sum  benefit,  an  additional  "excess"  single  sum  benefit is
calculated  as the amount of the participant's Final Average Earnings that is in
excess  of  the  Social  Security  Covered  Compensation  level  in  the year of
calculation  (i.e.,  in  2002, $39,444) multiplied by a percentage calculated as
3.5%  of the participant's actual years of service. The participant also has the
option  of  receiving his or her pension benefit in the form of an annuity which
is  the actuarial equivalent of the single sum amount. In no event, however, can
the  amount of this annuity be less than the annuity that the participant earned
as  of  December  31,  1998  under  the  Final  Average Earnings benefit formula
described  above.

The  following table shows a range of estimated retirement benefits, in the form
of a single sum amount, that would be payable from the Retirement Plan as of the
date  of  termination of employment to Mr. Sescleifer, Mr. McClanathan and other
administrative  employees who elected the Account-Based Formula described above.
To  the extent that their compensation or benefits exceed certain limits imposed
by  the  Internal  Revenue  Code  of  1986,  as amended, the table also includes
benefits  payable  from an unfunded supplemental retirement plan. Reflecting the
annuity  conversion  rates in effect for fiscal/plan year 2001-2002, the annuity
amount  that  would  be payable as of a participant's Normal Retirement Age (65)
based  on  the  indicated  single sum amounts would be determined as 9.1% of the
participant's  stated  single  sum  balance credited with compound interest at a
rate  of  3%  per  annum  from  the  participant's  date  of  termination to the
participant's  65th  birthday.

AVERAGE                                       YEARS OF SERVICE
EARNINGS       10          15          20          25          30          35          40
---------  ---------   --------    ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
$   300,000  $226,000  $  369,000  $  535,000  $  731,000  $  926,000  $1,122,000  $1,317,000
$   400,000  $306,000  $  499,000  $  722,000  $  986,000  $1,249,000  $1,512,000  $1,775,000
$   500,000  $386,000  $  629,000  $  910,000  $1,241,000  $1,571,000  $1,902,000  $2,232,000
$   600,000  $466,000  $  759,000  $1,097,000  $1,496,000  $1,894,000  $2,292,000  $2,690,000
$   700,000  $546,000  $  889,000  $1,285,000  $1,751,000  $2,216,000  $2,682,000  $3,147,000
$   800,000  $626,000  $1,019,000  $1,472,000  $2,006,000  $2,539,000  $3,072,000  $3,605,000
$ 1,000,000  $786,000  $1,279,000  $1,847,000  $2,516,000  $3,184,000  $3,852,000  $4,520,000
$ 1,200,000  $946,000  $1,539,000  $2,222,000  $3,026,000  $3,829,000  $4,632,000  $5,435,000

INTERNATIONALIST  PLAN.  In  addition  to  the  Final  Average  Earnings Formula
described above, Mr. Mannix participates in the Company's Internationalist Plan,
which is unfunded. Internationalist Plan benefits for Mr. Mannix are computed by
multiplying  his  Final  Average  Earnings  (the  average  of  his  five highest
consecutive  annual  earnings  during  the ten years prior to his termination of
employment)  by  a  number  which  is  1.7% of his actual years of service (to a
maximum  of  40  years).

Mr.  Mannix's  benefits  under  the Internationalist Plan are offset by benefits
payable  to  him  under  the  Energizer  Holdings,  Inc.  Retirement  Plan,  the
supplemental retirement plan, and the Superannuation Plan. Mr. Mannix's benefit,
payable  under  the  Superannuation Plan as a single sum payment, is computed by
multiplying  his  Final  Average  Base Earnings (the average of his five highest
consecutive  base  annual earnings during the ten years prior to his termination
of  employment)  by  a  number which is 15% of his actual years of service (to a
maximum  of  40  years). Based upon prevailing long term bond rates, this single
sum  amount  would  then  be  converted  to an equivalent annuity payable to Mr.
Mannix,  with  that  annuity being used to offset the benefits payable under the
other  Company retirement plans. The actual amount of each pension plan's offset
will  be  determined by Mr. Mannix's age and years of service at his retirement.

The  following table shows the estimated annual retirement benefits, in the form
of  a  single  life, 5-year certain annuity, that would be payable to Mr. Mannix
from  the  Internationalist  Plan,  assuming age 62 retirement and including the
equivalent  value  of  amounts  payable to him from the other offsetting Company
retirement  plans.


        ------------    ----------------------
           EARNINGS     30        35        40
           --------  -------   --------  --------
         $  475,000  $242,250  $282,625  $323,000
         $  525,000  $267,750  $312,375  $357,000
         $  575,000  $293,250  $342,125  $391,000
         $  625,000  $318,750  $371,875  $425,000
         $  675,000  $344,250  $401,625  $459,000
         $  725,000  $369,750  $431,375  $493,000
         $  775,000  $395,250  $461,125  $527,000
         $  825,000  $420,750  $490,875  $561,000
         $  875,000  $446,250  $520,625  $595,000
         $  925,000  $471,750  $550,375  $629,000
         $  975,000  $497,250  $580,125  $663,000
         $1,025,000  $522,750  $609,875  $697,000
         $1,075,000  $548,250  $639,625  $731,000
         $1,125,000  $573,750  $669,375  $765,000
         $1,175,000  $599,250  $699,125  $799,000
         $1,225,000  $624,750  $728,875  $833,000
         $1,275,000  $650,250  $758,625  $867,000
         $1,325,000  $675,750  $788,375  $901,000
         $1,375,000  $701,250  $818,125  $935,000
         $1,425,000  $726,750  $847,875  $969,000


     *  1.7%  accrual  rate


To  the  extent  that  each  of  the  Named  Executive  Officers  has elected to
contribute  compensation  on an after-tax basis to the Company-sponsored Savings
Investment  Plan  (SIP),  a  matching single sum amount is credited to a nominal
account  balance  established  for  each  individual in the Retirement Plan. The
single  sum  amount  credited  to the individual's account each year is equal to
325%  of  the  first  1%  of  pay  (up  to a certain limit imposed on pay by the
Internal  Revenue Code) contributed by the individual to the SIP on an after-tax
basis.  The  amounts  so  credited  each year to the nominal account are further
annually  credited  each  plan year with interest at a rate equal to the average
30-year  U.S.  Treasury  bond  rate  in  effect  during the August preceding the
October 1 beginning of each plan year. These nominal accounts may be received by
the participant, upon termination of employment, in the form of a lump sum or an
equivalent  annuity.  A participant vests in this benefit at the rate of 25% per
year  for the first four years of employment, with the PensionPlus Match Account
being  100% vested after four years. For fiscal year 2002, the following amounts
were  accrued in the PensionPlus Match Accounts of the Named Executive Officers.
To  the  extent  a  Named  Executive  Officer's  compensation or benefits exceed
certain limits imposed by the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, amounts
below  also  include  benefits  payable  from  the  unfunded  Executive  Savings
Investment  Plan.

     -     Mr.  Mulcahy:  $21,125

     -     Mr.  Mannix:  $11,385

     -     Mr.  Sescleifer:  $7,042

     -     Mr.  Klein:  $7,239

     -     Mr.  McClanathan:  $7,605

For the purpose of calculating retirement benefits, the Named Executive Officers
had,  as  of  September 30, 2002, the following whole years of credited service:
Messrs.  Mulcahy-34  years;  Mannix-39 years; Sescleifer-1 year; Klein-23 years;
and  McClanathan-27 years. Earnings used in calculating benefits (other than the
PensionPlus Match Account) under the retirement plans are approximately equal to
amounts  included  in  the  Salary and Bonus columns in the Summary Compensation
Table  on  page  11.

                               DEATH BENEFIT PLAN

The  Company  maintains,  at  no cost to the participants, an unfunded Executive
Retiree  Life  Plan  to  provide supplemental benefits to certain key members of
management,  generally  at  the  level of division vice president and above. The
Plan  provides  a  death benefit, after retirement of the participant, to his or
her  named  beneficiary in an amount equal, on an after-tax basis, to 50% of the
participant's  last  full  year's  salary  and  bonus prior to retirement. To be
eligible  for  the  benefit, a participant must, at the time of retirement, meet
certain  conditions,  including  (1)  being  enrolled in the Company's voluntary
Group  Life  Insurance  Plan,  which  is  available  to  almost  all  non-union
administrative  and  production employees in the United States, with coverage of
at  least  one  times  earnings; and (2) being age 55 with at least two years of
service,  or  having a combination of age and years of service equal to at least
80.  Messrs.  Mannix,  Sescleifer,  Klein  and  McClanathan  participated in the
voluntary  Group  Life  Insurance  Plan,  at the required coverage level, during
fiscal  year  2002.

                         CHANGE IN CONTROL ARRANGEMENTS


The  Company  has entered into Change of Control Employment Agreements with each
of  the  Named  Executive Officers. The Agreements have a term of two years from
their  effective  date  (which will be automatically extended for additional two
year  terms  unless the Company terminates the Agreements at least 90 days prior
to  renewal),  and provide that the Officers will receive severance compensation
in  the  event  of  their  involuntary  termination  (including  constructive
termination),  other  than  for  cause,  within  two years following a change in
control  of  the  Company.  A  change  of  control  is  generally defined as the
acquisition  of  20%  or  more of the outstanding shares of the Company's Common
Stock.  A  change  of  control  will  also occur if the initial directors of the
Company,  or  their  recommended  or  appointed successors, fail to constitute a
majority  of  the  board,  or  if  the  Company's stockholders approve a merger,
consolidation  or sale of all or substantially all of the assets of the Company.

The  severance  compensation  payable  under  the  Agreements  consists  of:

-     a lump sum payment in an amount equal to 2 times the Officer's annual base
salary  and  target  bonus;

-     the  difference  between the Officer's actual benefits under the Company's
various  retirement  plans at the time of termination and what the Officer would
have received if he had remained employed for an additional period of two years;

-     the  continuation  of  other  executive  health,  dental and other welfare
benefits  for  a  period  of  two  years  following  the  Officer's termination.

No payments would be made in the event that the termination is voluntary, is due
to  death,  disability  or  normal  retirement,  or  is  for  cause.

In  the  event that it is determined that a "golden parachute" excise tax is due
under  the Internal Revenue Code, the Company will reimburse the Officer for the
amount  of  such  tax, including any excise or income taxes associated with such


The stock options and restricted stock equivalent awards which have been granted
to  employees  and  directors, including the Named Executive Officers, under the
Company's  2000 Incentive Stock Plan, provide for acceleration of vesting in the
event  of  a  change  in  control  of  the  Company.


Upon  Mr.  Rose's  resignation  as  President and Chief Operating Officer, North
America,  he  entered into a Negotiated Employment Agreement and General Release
with  Eveready  Battery  Company, Inc., relating to the terms of his separation.
Under  that  agreement, he will remain employed in a consulting capacity, at his
current salary as of the time of his resignation, until March 31, 2004. However,
if he accepts other full-time employment prior to that date, he will receive the
balance  of his salary continuation in a lump sum payment, and, in addition, the
30,000  restricted  stock equivalents credited to him under his Restricted Stock
Equivalent  Award  Agreement  which  was granted May 8, 2000 will accelerate and
convert into shares of Common Stock, which will then be issued to him. Under the
terms  of  the  employment  agreement, Mr. Rose also received a bonus payment of
$302,400  for fiscal year 2002, but he will not be entitled to any further bonus
payments.  Upon  reaching  age  55,  Mr.  Rose  will continue to be eligible for
retiree  benefits  under  the  Company's  executive  life  and  health  plans.


The  Nominating  and Executive Compensation Committee (the "Committee") consists
entirely of non-employee directors free from relationships with the Company that
might  be  considered  a  conflict  of interest. It approves direct and indirect
compensation  of  executive  officers and administers and makes awards under the
Company's  2000  Incentive  Stock  Plan.

                             COMPENSATION PHILOSOPHY

The  overall  objective  of  the  Company's compensation philosophy is to reward
management  based  upon  its  success  in  building the shareholder value of the
Company as an independent business. The Company's executive compensation program
is  designed  to  provide  a  compensation  package that, in the aggregate, will
enable the Company to attract and retain highly talented executives and maintain
a  performance-oriented  culture.  In  addition,  the  compensation  program  is
designed  to  emphasize  stock-based  and/or  performance target-based incentive
compensation in order to link compensation much more directly to the performance
of  the  Company's  business.  The compensation program is intended to be one of
"high  risk/  high opportunity"-with base salaries set below competitive levels,
and  incentive  opportunities  for significant annual or long-term compensation.
Compensation  packages are weighted toward programs that are contingent upon the
Company's  performance and the performance of the Common Stock. The compensation
incentives  have  taken  the form of annual bonuses based on performance targets
for  the  Company  as  well as individual assessments, and long-term stock-based
incentives  designed  to  encourage  Company stock ownership by executives and a
managerial  perspective  that  is in alignment with shareholders' interests. For
fiscal  year 2003, the bonus plan will combine annual and longer-term incentives
designed  to  drive  consistent  growth  over  a  multiple-year  period.

In  determining  competitive  pay  standards, the Committee received market data
from  compensation  consultants  at  Towers  Perrin, Inc. who reviewed data from
published  surveys  of pay practices of other U.S.-based corporations of similar
size  with  which  the Company may compete in recruiting executive talent. These
corporations  include,  but  are  not  limited  to, corporations included in the
comparison  indices  set forth in the Performance Graph on page 25 of this Proxy


The base salary component of the compensation package for the executive officers
is  set  at  a  level  below median levels for comparable executive positions at
comparison  companies,  with  base  salaries  generally up to 15% below the 50th
percentile for those companies. At the same time, incentive programs are offered
which  provide  the  officers  an  opportunity  to  achieve  total  compensation
considerably  above  average,  in  the  case  of  exceptional  performance.  The
Committee  establishes  the  salaries  of  key  executive  officers based on its
assessment  of  the  individual's  responsibilities,  experience,  individual
performance  and  contribution  to the Company's performance. The Committee also
generally takes into account compensation data from other companies as described
above,  historical  compensation  levels  at  the  Company,  and the competitive
environment  for  attracting  and retaining executives. The Committee elected to
freeze  salaries for the executive officers during fiscal year 2002 at the level
they were at in fiscal year 2001, but believes that it is appropriate, given the
performance  of  the  Company  during  fiscal year 2002, and the above-described
considerations,  to  increase salaries of the executive officers for fiscal year
2003.  In  the  summer  of  2002,  the  Company's compensation group conducted a
periodic  review of compensation structures of comparable companies to determine
market  rates  for  key executive positions. In the course of its review, it was
determined that the salary of Daniel J. Sescleifer, the Executive Vice President
and  Chief Financial Officer, was significantly below the targeted percentage of
market  for  that  position.  Because  of  the  importance  of  Mr. Sescleifer's
contribution  to  the  Company, the quality of his job performance, and concerns
over  his  retention,  management recommended, and the Committee concurred, that
Mr.  Sescleifer's  salary should be increased in phases to bring it up to target
as  quickly  as  possible.  A  salary  increase was approved immediately, and an
additional  increase  was  approved  by  the  Committee  for  fiscal  year 2003.

A  discussion of the Committee's decisions regarding Mr. Mulcahy's annual salary
is  set forth below. Salary compensation for the Named Executive Officers is set
forth in the Summary Compensation Table on page 11. Mr. Stiritz does not receive
a salary or an annual cash bonus as compensation for his services as Chairman of
the  Management  Strategy and Finance Committee, but instead, as noted on page 5
of  this  Proxy  Statement, he has been granted a significant stock option grant
and  restricted  stock  equivalent  award.  In  addition, he is permitted use of
Company aircraft for personal travel and is reimbursed for taxes associated with
such  personal  use,  and  such  reimbursement,  as  is  Mr.  Mulcahy.

                            ANNUAL AND LONG-TERM CASH
                              BONUS AWARD PROGRAMS

Annual  cash bonuses have generally been awarded each year at, or shortly after,
the  end  of the Company's fiscal year, in accordance with executive bonus plans
covering  the  entire  fiscal  year  then  ended.

During  fiscal  year  2002,  each  of  the  Company's  executive officers had an
opportunity  to  earn  a targeted bonus (which is a percentage of his individual
annual  base salary) based upon (1) the achievement of targeted increases in the
Company's  earnings  per  share,  and (2) individual performance. If the Company
achieved earnings per share above a minimum threshold, the plan provided that an
individual  officer  would  receive  a  percentage  of  his  targeted bonus. The
potential  percentage  could  be  as  much  as 70% of his targeted bonus, if the
Company's  budgeted  estimate for earnings per share, established by the Company
prior  to the beginning of the fiscal year, was achieved. In addition, under the
plan,  officers could also be awarded from 30% to 45% of their targeted bonuses,
based upon a subjective individual performance rating. Individual performance is
rated  based  on a subjective assessment of factors including organizational and
management  development,  technical  skills,  execution  of strategic plans, and
overall  quality  of  performance.

In  addition,  because  of management's desire to effect a turnaround for fiscal
2002,  the  plan was expanded to provide that if earnings per share exceeded the
budgeted  estimate,  a pool would be established to increase the bonus potential
for each eligible executive. The size of the pool was calculated using a formula
that  provided  an  additional  opportunity for a payout of 2 times the targeted
bonus  for  each  individual.  This  additional bonus pool created a total bonus
opportunity  of  3 times the targeted bonus for each individual (reflecting both
Company and individual performance). At the end of the fiscal year, the pool was
to  be  distributed  selectively  among  the  plan  participants.

As a result of tremendous management efforts, the budgeted estimate for earnings
per share for fiscal year 2002 was exceeded, and the bonus plan mandated maximum
payout,  as expanded by the bonus pool, to the eligible executive officers. This
payout  was  adjusted  to  reflect  individual  performance  for  several of the
executive  officers. Such adjustments were made subjectively, but in recognition
of  the individual contributions of the receiving officers to the achievement of
Company  results  for  the  year.

In  fiscal  year  2001, the minimum threshold for earnings per share was not met
and  the portion of the bonus conditioned upon Company performance was not paid.
In  addition,  upon  the  recommendation of management, the Committee determined
that,  despite its high assessment of the performance of the executive officers,
it  would  not  authorize  any  bonus payments based upon individual performance
ratings  to those officers for fiscal year 2001. Instead, it was decided that if
the  Company  met  or  exceeded  the budgeted estimate of earnings per share for
fiscal  year 2002, the officers would receive the bonus they would have received
under  the  2001 bonus plan, based upon their individual performance ratings, in
addition  to  any bonus that they may have earned under the 2002 bonus plan. The
budgeted  estimate  of  earnings per share was exceeded for fiscal year 2002, so
these  officers did receive, as an additional bonus, the amounts they would have
received  for  fiscal year 2001, based upon their individual performance ratings
for  that  year.

The  Committee's  assessment of the performance of the executive officers, other
than  Mr.  Mulcahy, during this period, was based upon a recommendation from Mr.
Mulcahy.  The Committee, after considering a recommendation which it sought from
the  Chairman  of  the  Board,  subjectively evaluated Mr. Mulcahy's performance
during  the  past  fiscal  year.

The  Committee expects to continue to utilize executive bonus plans with varying
measures  of  individual  and/or corporate performance. Beginning in fiscal year
2003,  however,  it  has been determined that the focus of the plans will not be
just  annual  performance, but also consistent growth in earnings per share from
year to year. The annual portion of the bonus plan for fiscal year 2003 will, as
in  past  years,  offer  a  potential  payout  of  a percentage of an individual
officer's  annual  bonus target, based upon the achievement of targeted earnings
per  share for the Company, and individual performance by the executive officer.
The  Company  performance portion will not be paid unless earnings per share for
fiscal year 2003 meet or exceed the results for fiscal year 2002. A total annual
bonus payout of up to 1.5 times the individual's bonus target is possible if the
stretch  goal  for  earnings  per  share for the year is achieved. The long-term
portion  of the plan will provide an additional bonus, contingent upon achieving
the Company's budgeted estimate for earnings per share for fiscal year 2003, and
meeting  or exceeding that result in the following fiscal year. If the Company's
budgeted  estimate  for  earnings  per  share  for  fiscal  year  2003 is met or
exceeded,  an opportunity is created for the individual to receive an additional
bonus  ranging  from 25% to 100% of his 2003 targeted bonus after the end of the
next  fiscal  year, depending upon the earnings per share results for that year.
It  is  contemplated  that  a  similar  bonus  plan design, with additional cash
incentives  for  consistent  earnings  growth, will be utilized in future years.

                            DEFERRALS OF BONUS AWARDS

The Committee exercises its discretion in determining whether to permit eligible
employees, including Executive Officers, to defer payment of their cash bonus or
other  cash  compensation under the terms of the Deferred Compensation Plan. The
terms  of  that  Plan may include, in any particular year, an additional Company
match  on  deferrals in the Energizer Common Stock Unit Fund of the Plan. It has
been  determined that deferrals into the Energizer Common Stock Unit Fund of all
or  part of annual cash bonuses earned in fiscal year 2002 will be credited with
a  25%  Company  match  which  is  subject  to certain vesting requirements. The
Committee  believes  that  this  provision  of  the  Plan  further  aligns  the
executive's  interests  with those of shareholders of the Company by encouraging
an  investment  in  Company  stock equivalents. It also adds a retention feature
through  the  vesting  requirements.

                                  STOCK AWARDS

Under  the  Company's  2000  Incentive Stock Plan, stock-based incentive awards,
including stock options and restricted stock awards, may be granted from time to
time.  In  general,  the  Committee  bases  its  decisions  to grant stock-based
incentives  on  the  number of shares of Common Stock outstanding, the number of
shares  of  Common  Stock  authorized  under  the 2000 Incentive Stock Plan, the
number of options and shares of restricted Common Stock (or equivalents) held by
the  executive  for  whom an award is being considered and the other elements of
the  executive's  compensation, as well as the Company's compensation objectives
and  policies  described  above.  As with the determination of base salaries and
bonus awards, the Committee exercises subjective judgment and discretion in view
of  the  above  criteria.

In  May  of  2000, the Board approved the grant to key executives (including the
Named  Executive  Officers)  of one-time options which were significantly larger
than  average annual grants for peer companies in order to immediately align the
interests  of  senior  management  with those of shareholders, and to retain key
individuals  during  the  critical  transition  stage following the spin-off. In
light  of  those  grants, the Committee has determined that an additional annual
grant  to  those  executives for year 2002 was unnecessary. However, in light of
the  increased  responsibilities  of  Joseph  W.  McClanathan,  who  was  named
President,  North  America  during the past fiscal year, and the competitive pay
position  of  Daniel  J.  Sescleifer, the Company's Executive Vice President and
Chief  Financial  Officer, in September of 2002 the Committee determined that it
was  appropriate  to  grant  each officer an additional option to acquire 50,000
shares  of Common Stock. Details of those stock options are set forth on page 12
of  this  Proxy  Statement.

Stock  options  granted  by  the  Committee  entitle the recipient to purchase a
specified  number of shares of the Company's Common Stock, after certain vesting
provisions  have  been met, at an option price which is equal to the fair market
value  of the Common Stock at the time of grant. They provide executives with an
opportunity  to buy and maintain an equity interest in the Company while linking
the  executive's  compensation directly to shareholder value since the executive
receives  no benefit from the option unless all shareholders have benefited from
an  appreciation  in the value of the Company's Common Stock. In addition, since
the  options  "vest" serially, generally in three to five segments over a period
of  three  to  five  years after the date of grant, they function as a retention
device  while  encouraging  the  executive  to  take  a  longer-term  view about
decisions  impacting  the  Company.

Restricted  stock  awards  consist  of  grants of the Company's Common Stock, or
stock  equivalents  convertible  into shares of Common Stock, subject to certain
restrictions.  The  restricted  shares  may  not  be  sold, pledged or otherwise
transferred  until  the  restrictions lapse. Restricted stock awards further the
goal  of  retaining  key  executives  by encouraging stock ownership and linking
executive  performance  with  shareholder  value.

In  May  of 2000, the Board of Directors of the Company approved the Shareholder
Value  Commitment  Program  in  order  to  encourage  a  limited  number  of key
executives,  including  the  Named Executive Officers, as well as the members of
the Board, to invest in and hold a significant number of shares of the Company's
Common  Stock.  Under  the  Program,  each  of those individuals was granted the
opportunity  to  receive  one  restricted stock equivalent, up to an established
limit  per  individual,  for every share of the Company's Common Stock purchased
during  the two year period commencing on the date of grant. The executives must
hold  the  acquired  shares  for  at  least  three  years.  The restricted stock
equivalents  credited  to each executive vest over a three year period, at which
time  they  convert  into  an equal number of shares of Common Stock, unless the
executive  has  elected to defer conversion until termination of employment. The
Program serves not only to encourage Common Stock ownership by the key executive
group  but  also, by reason of the vesting provisions, helps retain the services
of  these  individuals.

The  value  of  restricted  stock  equivalents  credited  to the Named Executive
Officers is set forth in the Summary Compensation Table on page 11 of this Proxy


SALARY.  In  light  of  the Company's disappointing financial performance during
fiscal  year  2001,  and  management's  expressed  intention to reduce operating
expenditures,  the Committee determined not to increase Mr. Mulcahy's salary for
fiscal  year  2002,  but  instead to keep it at the same level that it was at in
2001.  (Mr.  Mulcahy's salary has remained unchanged since 1999.) At its meeting
in  September  of 2002, however, the Committee reviewed Mr. Mulcahy's salary for
fiscal  year  2003  in  accordance  with  the  general  compensation  philosophy
described  above  under SALARIES. The Committee also noted Mr. Mulcahy's stellar
performance  during  fiscal year 2002. Based upon such review, it was determined
that  a  significant  salary increase for Mr. Mulcahy was appropriate for fiscal
year  2003. However, when informed of the Committee's determination, Mr. Mulcahy
requested  that  the  Committee  rescind  the  increase  in  order  to  continue
cost-containment efforts by the Company, and the Committee has acquiesced in his

Mr.  Mulcahy  participated  in  the  fiscal year 2002 bonus plan described under
ANNUAL  AND  LONG-TERM  CASH BONUS AWARD PROGRAMS above. Under the terms of that
plan,  the  Committee  awarded  an  annual  bonus  to  Mr.  Mulcahy based on the
quantitative  increase  in earnings per share produced by the Company during the
past  fiscal  year,  as  well  as  a  subjective  assessment  of  Mr.  Mulcahy's
performance  during  the  year.  The  Committee  was especially pleased with his
leadership  in  developing a turnaround business plan, motivating the management
team,  and  directing  the  Company's  efforts to increase profitability, reduce
costs,  and  maintain  market share. Under the terms of the 2002 bonus plan, the
Committee  gave  Mr.  Mulcahy  the  highest  individual  performance  rating. In
addition, because the Company exceeded its budgeted earnings per share estimates
for  fiscal  year  2002,  he received an additional bonus equal to that which he
would  have  received under the 2001 plan, based upon his individual performance
rating  for  that  year,  but for the Committee's decision of last year to defer
that  portion  of  the  bonus.

STOCK AWARDS. In May, 2000 the Committee awarded Mr. Mulcahy options to purchase
Company  stock,  and the opportunity to receive restricted stock equivalents, as
described  above.  Those  awards  were  substantially larger than average annual
grants  because the Board wanted to provide significant incentive to improve the
Company's  operating  performance, and to retain Mr. Mulcahy's services over the
vesting  period  of  the  options. In light of those awards, no additional stock
options  or  other  stock  awards were granted to Mr. Mulcahy during fiscal year


A  feature  of  the  Omnibus  Budget  Reconciliation Act of 1993 sets a limit on
deductible  compensation  of $1,000,000 per year per person for those executives
designated  as  Named Executive Officers in the Proxy Statement. The Company has
mandated  or  reserved  the  right  to mandate the deferral of certain bonus and
salary  payments  to  such  officers.  While  it is the general intention of the
Committee  to meet the requirements for deductibility, the Committee may approve
payment  of  non-deductible  compensation  from  time  to  time  if  unusual
circumstances  warrant it. The Committee will continue to review and monitor its
policy  with  respect  to  the  deductibility  of  compensation.

              W. H. Danforth-Chairman     R. David  Hoover
              F. Sheridan Garrison        Joe R. Micheletto
              H. Fisk Johnson

                             AUDIT COMMITTEE REPORT

The  Audit  Committee  of  the Company's Board of Directors consists entirely of
non-employee  directors  that  are  independent,  as  defined  in  Sections
303.01(B)(2)(a) and (3) of the New York Stock Exchange Listing Standards. A copy
of  the  Charter  of  the  Audit  Committee  was attached to the Company's Proxy
Statement  dated  December  13,  2000.

Management  is responsible for the Company's internal controls and the financial
reporting process. The independent accountants are responsible for performing an
independent  audit  of  the  Company's  consolidated  financial  statements  in
accordance  with  generally  accepted  auditing  standards  and issuing a report
thereon.  The  Committee's  responsibility  is  to  monitor  and  oversee  these

With  respect  to  the  Company's audited financial statements for the Company's
fiscal  year ended September 30, 2002, management of the Company has represented
to  the Committee that the financial statements were prepared in accordance with
generally  accepted  accounting  principles  and  the Committee has reviewed and
discussed  those  financial  statements with management. The Audit Committee has
also  discussed  with  PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP,  the  Company's  independent
accountants,  the  matters  required  to  be  discussed by Statement on Auditing
Standards  No.  61  (Communication  with  Audit  Committees)  as  modified  or

The  Audit  Committee  has  received  the  written  disclosures  from
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP required by Independence Standards Board Standard No.
1  (Independence  Standards  Board Standard No. 1, Independence Discussions with
Audit  Committees),  as  modified  or  supplemented,  and  has  discussed  the
independence  of  PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP with members of that firm. In doing
so,  the  Committee  considered  whether  the  non-audit  services  provided  by
PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP  were  compatible  with  its  independence.

Based  on  the  review  and  discussions  referred to above, the Audit Committee
recommended  to  the  Company's  Board  of  Directors that the audited financial
statements  for  the  fiscal  year  ended  September 30, 2002 be included in the
Company's  Annual  Report  on  Form  10-K  for  that  year.

              Richard A. Liddy-Chairman      William H. Danforth
              F. Sheridan Garrison

                               PERFORMANCE GRAPH

The  graph  below  is  presented  in  accordance  with SEC requirements. You are
cautioned  against  drawing  any conclusions from the data in the graph, as past
results  do  not  necessarily  indicate  future  performance. The graph does not
reflect  the  Company's  forecast  of  future  financial  performance.

Despite  anything  to  the contrary in any of the Company's previous SEC filings
under  the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or the Securities Exchange Act of
1934,  as  amended,  that might incorporate future filings, including this Proxy
Statement,  in  whole  or in part, the following graph as well as the Nominating
and  Executive  Compensation  Committee Report on Executive Compensation and the
Audit  Committee  Report  set  forth above will not be incorporated by reference
into  any  such  filings.

The  line  graph below compares the annual percentage change in cumulative total
shareholder  return  for  the  Company's  Common Stock with the cumulative total
return  of  the  Standard  &  Poor's Midcap 400 and Midcap Electronics Indices.

                              400 MID CAP INDICES

                              [PERFORMANCE GRAPH]

                               [PERFORMANCE GRAPH]

                                                        S&P MIDCAP
                    ENERGIZER    S&P 400 MIDCAPINDEX    ELECTRONICS
                    ----------   --------------------  ------------
April-00 .            100.00           100.00            100.00
                       80.30           100.40             99.30
                       80.00            99.10             89.10
                       85.90           100.60             88.70
July-00.           .  113.50           102.20             84.20
                       92.90           113.60             91.00
                      115.30           112.80             80.00
October-00             92.90           109.00             77.60
                       90.90           100.70             68.30
                      100.60           108.50             64.90
January-01            115.80           110.90             76.00
                      117.20           104.50             69.40
                      117.60            96.80             63.90
April-01 .            112.10           107.40             64.70
                      108.50           109.90             62.10
                      108.00           109.50             65.40
July-01. .             88.20           107.90             63.00
                       83.20           104.30             65.90
                       78.20            91.40             58.20
October-01             77.60            95.40             57.20
                       87.10           102.50             60.20
                       89.60           107.80             64.70
January-02             96.50           107.20             65.50
                      102.70           107.40             70.40
                      111.80           115.00             75.20
April-02 .            112.50           114.50             76.70
                      126.80           112.60             80.20
                      128.90           104.30             80.00
July-02. .            126.40            94.20             75.00
                      134.20            94.70             79.10
                      143.10            87.10             76.80

                              DELIVERY OF DOCUMENTS

HOUSEHOLDING OF ANNUAL MEETING MATERIALS. The Securities and Exchange Commission
has  approved  a  rule permitting the delivery of a single set of annual reports
and  proxy statements to any household at which two or more shareholders reside,
if  the  shareholders  consent.  Each  shareholder  will  continue  to receive a
separate  proxy  card.  This procedure, referred to as householding, reduces the
volume  of  duplicate information you receive, as well as our expenses. In order
to  take  advantage  of  this  opportunity,  we  have  delivered  only one proxy
statement and annual report to multiple shareholders who shared an address as of
June  1,  2002,  unless  we  received  contrary  instructions  from the impacted
shareholders prior to the mailing date. If you prefer to receive separate copies
of  our  proxy  statement or annual report, either now or in the future, we will
promptly  deliver,  upon  your  written  or oral request, a separate copy of the
proxy  statement  or  annual  report,  as  requested, to any shareholder at your
address  to  which  a  single  copy was delivered. Notice should be given to the
Secretary,  Energizer Holdings, Inc., 533 Maryville University Drive, St. Louis,
Missouri  63141  (Tel.  No.  (314) 985-2161.) If you are currently a shareholder
sharing  an  address  with  another  shareholder and wish to have only one proxy
statement  and  annual  report  delivered to the household in the future, please
contact  us  at  the  same  address.

ELECTRONIC  DELIVERY.  For  next  year's Annual Meeting of Shareholders, you can
help  us  save significant printing and mailing expenses by consenting to access
the  proxy  statement and annual report electronically over the Internet. If you
choose  to  vote  over the Internet, you can indicate your consent to electronic
access  to  these documents by following the instructions at the Internet voting
website  noted  on  your  proxy  card.  If  you  do  not choose to vote over the
Internet,  or  if  you  are  not  given the opportunity to consent to electronic
access  over  the Internet, but would still like to consent, you may contact the
Secretary,  Energizer Holdings, Inc., 533 Maryville University Drive, St. Louis,
Missouri  63141  (Tel.  No. (314) 985-2161.) If you choose to receive your proxy
statement  and  annual  report  electronically, then prior to next year's annual
meeting you will receive e-mail notification when the proxy statement and annual
report  are available for your on-line review over the Internet. Your choice for
electronic  distribution  will  remain in effect indefinitely, unless you revoke
your  choice by sending written notice of revocation to the address noted above.
However,  if the e-mail notification is returned as "undeliverable", a hard copy
of  the  proxy  materials  and  annual  report will be mailed to your last known


Any proposals to be presented at the 2004 Annual Meeting of Shareholders must be
received  by  the  Company, directed to the attention of the Secretary, no later
than  August  12,  2003 in order to be included in the Company's proxy statement
and  form  of  proxy for that meeting. Upon receipt of any proposal, the Company
will determine whether or not to include the proposal in the proxy statement and
proxy  in accordance with regulations governing the solicitation of proxies. The
proposal  must  comply  in  all  respects  with the rules and regulations of the
Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  and  the  Bylaws  of  the  Company.

In  order  for  a  shareholder  to  nominate a candidate for director, under the
Company's Bylaws timely notice of the nomination must be received by the Company
in  advance  of  the  meeting. Ordinarily, such notice must be received not less
than 90 days before the meeting (but if the Company gives less than 90 days' (1)
notice of the meeting or (2) prior public disclosure of the date of the meeting,
then  such  notice must be received within 7 days after notice of the meeting is
mailed  or  other public disclosure of the meeting is made), or prior to October
28,  2003  for  the  2004  Annual  Meeting. The shareholder filing the notice of
nomination  must  describe various matters regarding the nominee, including such
information  as  name,  address,  occupation  and  shares  held.

In order for a shareholder to bring other business before a shareholder meeting,
timely notice must be received by the Company prior to the time described in the
preceding  paragraph.  Such  notice  must  include a description of the proposed
business,  the reasons therefor, and other specified matters. These requirements
are separate from and in addition to the requirements a shareholder must meet to
have  a  proposal  included  in  the  Company's  Proxy  Statement.

In  each  case,  the notice must be given to the Secretary of the Company, whose
address  is 533 Maryville University Drive, St. Louis, Missouri 63141. A copy of
the Company's Bylaws will be provided without charge upon written request to the

                          By  order  of  the  Board  of  Directors,

                          /s/  Timothy  L.  Grosch
                          Timothy  L.  Grosch

December  9,  2002

                                December 9, 2002

Dear  Savings  Investment  Plan  Participant:

Enclosed  are  a  proxy  statement,  a proxy and an Annual Report for the Annual
Meeting  of  Shareholders  of Energizer Holdings, Inc. to be held on January 27,
2003.  The  enclosed  proxy relates to shares of Energizer Common Stock of which
you  are  the  record holder and to shares of Energizer Common Stock credited to
your  account  in  the  Energizer  Holdings, Inc. Savings Investment Plan or the
Nestle  Purina  PetCare  Company  Savings  Investment  Plan  (the  "Plans").

The  Trustee of each Plan will vote all shares of Energizer Common Stock held in
its respective Plan as of November 22, 2002.  Shares credited to your account as
of  November  14, 2002 will be voted in accordance with your instructions on the
enclosed proxy card.  Any credited shares for which no instructions are received
by  the  Trustee, and any shares in the Plan that were credited between November
14,  2002  and  November  22,  2002,  will  be  voted by the Trustee in the same
proportion  as  the  shares  for  which  instructions  were  received  from  all
participants  in  that  Plan.

Please  complete,  sign  and date the enclosed proxy.  It should be returned, in
the  postage-paid  envelope  provided,  to  Continental  Stock  Transfer & Trust
Company,  which  acts as tabulator.  Alternatively, you may vote by telephone or
via  Internet.  However  you  decide  to vote, in order to provide the tabulator
sufficient time to tabulate the votes, it has been requested that all proxies be
returned,  or  votes be cast, as promptly as possible, but no later than January
24,  2003.

You  may  also have received additional proxy statements and proxies relating to
other  shares  of  Energizer  Common  Stock  held by you.  These proxies are not
duplicates  of  the one enclosed and we ask that they also be voted as described
in  the  instructions  enclosed  with  them.

                         J.  PATRICK  MULCAHY
                         Chief  Executive  Officer


                                 Proxy by Mail                  Please mark
                                                                your votes     X
                                                                like this

                           For All   Withhold   For All
                           Nominees             Except
1. Election of Directors                               Nominees:  01  H. Fisk
                            ------    ------    -----  Johnson, 02 J. Patrick
                                                       Mulcahy, 03 William P.
                                                       Stiritz, 04 Pamela M.
                                                       Nicholson, 05 W. Patrick

                                                       To withhold authority to
                                                       vote for any nominees
                                                       listed above, mark the
                                                       "For All Except"  box
                                                       and write the name(s) of
                                                       the nominee(s) from whom
                                                       you wish to withhold
                                                       authority to vote in the
                                                       space provided below.

Please be sure to sign                       Mark box at right if you plan to
and date this Proxy Card.                    attend the  Annual Meeting on
                                             January 27, 2003.
IF YOU WISH TO VOTE ELECTRONICALLY                                 --------

                                               COMPANY  NUMBER:
                                               PROXY  NUMBER:
                                               ACCOUNT  NUMBER:

SIGNATURE                         SIGNATURE                            DATE


                         VOTE BY TELEPHONE OR INTERNET
                        QUICK  ***  EASY  ***  IMMEDIATE

                           ENERGIZER HOLDINGS, INC.
*      You can now vote your shares electronically through the Internet or the
*      This eliminates the need to return the proxy card.
*      Your electronic vote authorizes the named proxies to vote your shares in
       the same manner as if you marked, signed, dated, and returned the proxy


Have  your  proxy  card  in  hand  when  you  access  the  above website. Select
"ENR Shareholder Proxy  Voting".  You  will  be  prompted  to enter the  company
number,  proxy  number,  and  account  number  to create an electronic  ballot.
Follow  the  prompts  to  vote  your  shares.


Mark,  sign,  and  date  your  proxy card above, detach it, and return it in the
postage-paid  envelope  provided.


Use any touch-tone telephone to vote your proxy.  Have your proxy card in hand
when  you  call.  You  will  be  prompted  to  enter  the company number, proxy
number, and account number. Follow the voting instructions to vote your shares.



                           ENERGIZER HOLDINGS, INC.

    P     This  proxy  when  properly  executed  will  be  voted in the manner
          directed herein by the  undersigned Shareholder.  IF NO DIRECTION IS
    R     MADE,  THIS  PROXY  WILL  BE  VOTED  "FOR" ITEM 1.   The undersigned
          hereby  appoints  J.P.  Mulcahy  and H.L. Strachan as Proxies,  with
    O     the  power  of substitution, to represent and to vote, as designated
          below, all the shares of the undersigned  held of record on November
    X     22, 2002, at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders to be held on January
          27,  2003  and any  adjournments  thereof.


          This proxy covers all Energizer Holdings, Inc. Common Stock you own
          in any of the following ways (provided the registrations are
          -  Shares held of record
          -  Energizer Holdings, Inc. Savings Investment Plan
          -  Nestle Purina PetCare Company Savings Investment Plan

                             FOLD AND DETACH HERE

                      2003 ANNUAL MEETING ADMISSION TICKET
                            ENERGIZER HOLDINGS, INC.
                      2003 ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS
                            MONDAY, JANUARY 27, 2003
                              2:30 P.M. LOCAL TIME
                          ENERGIZER WORLD HEADQUARTERS
                         533 MARYVILLE UNIVERSITY DRIVE
                            ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI 63141


     The  following  will  only be provided to individuals choosing to vote over
the  Internet:

                          ANNUAL MEETING ATTENDANCE


                      Yes                            No
                ----                          -----

NEXT  YEAR?  If  you  select yes, you will NOT receive an annual report or proxy
statement  in  the  mail,  but may view and print them from the Internet. If you
select  no,  you  will continue to receive all proxy materials in the mail. With
either  option  you will receive your proxy card in the mail and be able to vote
through  the  internet,  by  telephone,  or  by  mail.

                      Yes                            No
                ----                          -----

If  you  selected YES above, please enter your email address below. By providing
my email address below, I consent to future delivery of annual reports and proxy
statements  of  Energizer  Holdings,  Inc.  electronically via the Internet at a
webpage  which  will  be  disclosed  to me. I understand that the Company may no
longer  distributed  printed materials to me for any future shareholder meetings
until  such consent is revoked. I understand that I may revoke my consent at any
time  by  contacting  the Company's Secretary, 533 Maryville University Dr., St.
Louis,  MO  63141,  and that costs normally associated with electronic delivery,
such  as  usage  and  telephone  charges,  as  well  as any costs I may incur in
printing  documents,  will  be  my  responsibility.