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Corporate Taxpayer Registration 02.570.688/0001 -70
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Publicly-Held Company
BRASIL TELECOM PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A. (NYSE: BRP; BOVESPA: BRTP3/BTP4) (Company or BTP), in compliance Notice CVM/SEP/GEA-1/Nº 488/2005, informs to its shareholders and the market in general, the following, as transcribed below:
Rio de Janeiro, September 23, 2005 Mr. Charles Laganá Putz Brasil Telecom Participações S.A. VIA FAX 61 3415 1344 Re. Disclosure of Information to the market Dear Mr. Putz: We have been informed by your General Counsel, Mr. Darwin Correa, that the Comissão de Valores Mobiliários CVC (CVM) has formally requested information from Brasil Telecom Participações S.A. concerning the disclosure of news in connection with a possible transaction involving the sale of Citigroup Venture Capital International Brazil, L.P.s, Investidores Institucionais Fundo de Investimentos em Ações and certain pension funds direct or indirect interests in Brasil Telecom S.A. (BT) to Telecom Italia International N.V. (Telecom Italia). In view of the above, and pursuant to article 157 paragraph 4, of the Brazilian Corporations Act (Federal Law 6.404/76) and article 3, paragraph 1, of Executive Order Nº 358/02, issued by CVM, we wish to state that no agreement has been reached for Telecom Italia to purchase our direct or indirect interests in BT. Finally we kindly request that you disclose this information to the market immediately, pursuant to article 3 of CVMs Executive Order 358/02. Sincerely, Citigroup Venture Capital Brazil International Brazil, L.P. Investidores Institucionais Fundo de Investimentos em Ações |
Brasília, September 23, 2005
Charles Laganá Putz
Chief Financial Officer and Investor Relations Officer
Brasil Telecom Participações S.A.
By: |
/S/ Charles Laganá Putz
Name: Charles Laganá Putz
Title: Chief Financial Officer |