"The Wilde Girls" - A Comedy Adventure Unleashed
In this uproarious comedy, Lydia Pearl Pentz and Cali Scolari bring to life the pampered heiresses Tinsley and Mattie Wilde. Forced into a shocking reality in the untamed Depression-era forests of Washington State, the Wilde sisters embark on a journey that challenges their every notion of luxury and socialite life.
Above: Lydia Pearl Pentz co-stars in Timothy Hines' The Wilde Girls with Cali Scolari.
The plot unfolds as the comically conniving aunts, played by Susan Goforth and Heidi Kravitz, strip the sisters of their fortune, banishing them to the primitive wilderness. What follows is an extreme culture shock, with the clueless socialites facing survival challenges, a bear attack, and encounters with a hitman, Mr. Button, played by Matt Silver.
Through their absolute ineptitude, the Wilde sisters accidentally run over Mr. Button with his own Model-T car, thrusting them into the harsh reality of wilderness survival. Their only chance at survival lies in the hands of a reclusive mountain man, portrayed by stand-up comic and actor Teddy Smith.
Above: The Wilde Girls, Tinsley and Mattie Wilde (Lydia Pearl Pentz and Cali Scolari), and the reclusive mountain man, Silas Colter (Teddy Smith).
Director Timothy Hines, known for films like "Tomorrow’s Today" and "10 Days in a Madhouse," helms this truly funny comedy that promises not only laughter but also an entertaining journey of growth and self-discovery.
Rising Stars Take Center Stage
Above: Lydia Pearl Pentz co-stars in Timothy Hines' "The Wilde Girls".
Lydia Pearl Pentz, a fast-rising star selected from a pool of 3,000 actresses, has proven her exceptional talent since her debut in the TV series "Grimm." Pentz is set to play the legendary World War II super spy Hannie Shaft in Timothy Hines' upcoming biopic, "Teenage Girls Who Killed Nazis."
Above: Cali Scolari co-stars in Timothy Hines' "The Wilde Girls".
Cali Scolari, a New York City native and daughter of the late Peter Scolari, shines as Mattie Wilde in "The Wilde Girls." A graduate of the Stella Adler Studio of Acting, Scolari's undeniable talent positions her as a mega talent destined for stardom.
Director Timothy Hines' Insight
"The Wilde Girls movie is a humorous journey of growth in both life skills and how we see ourselves as the playing field of life changes and we need to grow and evolve into our new, wiser selves," says director Timothy Hines.
Above: Lydia Pearl Pentz and Cali Scolari co-star in Timothy Hines' "The Wilde Girls".
Premiere at the 2024 Festival de Cannes
"The Wilde Girls" is set to make its grand premiere at the prestigious 2024 Festival de Cannes, promising an evening of laughter, entertainment, and a celebration of these rising stars.
Above: Teddy Smith, Lydia Pearl Pentz co-stars in Timothy Hines' The Wilde Girls with Cali Scolari.
Above: "The Wilde Girls" courtesy Pendragon Pictures.
About The Film:
Title: The Wilde Girls Director: Timothy Hines Starring: Lydia Pearl Pentz, Cali Scolari, Matt Silver, Susan Goforth, Heidi Kravitz, Teddy Smith Genre: Western Comedy Release Date: 2024 Premiere: 2024 Festival de Cannes
Media Contact
Company Name: Pendragon Pictures
Contact Person: Susan Goforth
Email: Send Email
Phone: +1 310-480-0837
City: Los Angeles
State: CA
Country: United States
Website: www.pendragonpictures.com