Komen’s Highest Awards Presented to Four Researchers and A Patient Advocate for Their Impactful Contributions to Breast Cancer Research
Susan G. Komen®, the world’s leading breast cancer organization, today is recognizing five individuals who have advanced our understanding of breast cancer risk and metastasis, developed new personalized treatment regimens and championed breast cancer research advocacy and education. Awarded annually, the Brinker Awards, Rising Star Researcher Award and Research Advocate Champion Award are the highest honors Komen can extend to someone who has devoted their career to advancing breast cancer research.
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2024 Susan G. Komen Research Awards Recipients (Photo: Business Wire)
"This year’s honorees are leading critical advancements needed for breast cancer prevention and treatment," said Jennifer A. Pietenpol, Ph.D., Komen's Co-Chief Scientific Advisor and Chief Scientific and Strategy Officer at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. "Their dedication to understanding the biological complexities of breast cancer and their commitment to translating discoveries into cancer prevention and patient care set them apart in the field. We are proud to honor their profound contributions with Komen's highest awards."
The 2024 recipients are:
Christina Curtis, Ph.D., M.Sc. – Brinker Award for Scientific Distinction in Basic Science – Curtis is the RZ Cao Professor of Medicine, Genetics & Biomedical Data Science; Director, Artificial Intelligence and Cancer Genomics; Director, Breast Cancer Translational Research Program at Stanford University.
Fabrice André, M.D., Ph.D. – Brinker Award for Scientific Distinction in Clinical Research – André is the Director of the Research Division, Gustave Roussy; Inserm U981 Research Head, University of Paris-Saclay.
Graham A. Colditz, M.D., Dr.P.H. – Brinker Award for Scientific Distinction in Population Science – Colditz is the Niess-Gain Professor of Surgery; Chief, Division of Public Health Sciences; Deputy Director, Institute of Public Health; Associate Director, Prevention and Control, Alvin J. Siteman Cancer Center Washington University at St. Louis School of Medicine.
Mina S. Sedrak, M.D., M.S. – Rising Star Researcher Award – Sedrak is the Director, Cancer and Aging Program, UCLA Health Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center; Associate Professor of Medicine, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA.
Virginia (Ginny) Mason, R.N., B.S.N. – Research Advocacy Champion Award – Mason is the Executive Director, Inflammatory Breast Cancer Research Foundation.
Susan G. Komen Brinker Awards
Komen established the Brinker Awards in 1992 to honor leaders in basic and clinical breast cancer research. This year, the Brinker Awards were expanded to include a leader in population science recognizing the direct impact population science plays in implementing basic and clinical discoveries to advance care delivery, reduce health disparities and improve patient outcomes.
Brinker Award for Scientific Distinction in Basic Science – Christina Curtis, Ph.D., M.Sc. This award recognizes a researcher for contributing scientific discoveries or novel technologies that have substantively impacted our understanding of the basic biology and intrinsic molecular process driving breast cancer to improve care.
Curtis is internationally recognized for her groundbreaking work redefining the molecular map of breast cancer and identifying novel biomarkers for classifying patients into risk groups. Subtype information and biomarkers she’s generated are used by researchers in the breast cancer field to match the right treatment to the right patient at the right time, maximizing efficacy, minimizing toxicity and driving personalized therapy. Her computational methods have also helped predict how tumors initiate, progress and spread by looking at previously unexplored parts of the genome.
Brinker Award for Scientific Distinction in Clinical Research – Fabrice André, M.D, Ph.D. This award is presented to a clinical researcher who has advanced approaches for prevention, detection, diagnosis and treatment that have paved the way for new clinical and therapeutic applications and/or practice changing, patient-focused care for breast cancer.
André is a world-renowned leader in precision oncology and leads landmark international clinical trials testing targeted agents for personalized cancer treatment. His profound work on understanding treatment response has resulted in new regimens and international treatment guidelines based on the unique genomic drivers and immune profiles he has discovered. He has broadened the scope of precision medicine to include early identification of patients likely to have poor outcomes, prediction of treatment toxicities to select more tolerable agents and improved early detection of breast cancer. His contributions have also brought personalized medicine to patients with advanced breast cancer.
Brinker Award for Scientific Distinction in Population Science – Graham A. Colditz, M.D., Dr.P.H. This award, in its inaugural year, is presented to a researcher who has made pivotal advancements in implementing science, cancer care delivery, health services research, epidemiology and/or developed innovative evidence-based interventions to enhance breast cancer outcomes.
Colditz’s trailblazing discoveries have helped people worldwide understand their individual chances of getting breast cancer and the steps they can take to lower their risk of developing breast cancer. He has led some of the largest studies to uncover underlying genetic and lifestyle risk factors associated with breast cancer to create personalized risk assessment tools that are widely used by clinicians and the public to improve screening and prevention strategies. His remarkable body of work has improved the understanding of breast cancer causes and development, contributed to reductions in health disparities and inspired generations to make healthy lifestyle changes that may reduce their risk of cancer.
Rising Star Researcher Award – Mina S. Sedrak, M.D., M.S. In its second year, the Rising Star Research Award recognizes an investigator whose work has the potential to significantly impact the breast cancer field, who demonstrates strong leadership potential in the breast cancer community and who exhibits a strong commitment to trainee mentorship.
Sedrak is gaining prominence for his innovative research to better understand the relationship between cancer and aging. His efforts have increased the participation of older adults in clinical trials, helped identify therapeutic targets and created interventions for patients at the highest risk of developing treatment-induced accelerated aging. His research is poised to develop novel therapies to block treatment-induced accelerated aging and improve the quality of life, health and independence of breast cancer patients and survivors.
Research Advocacy Champion Award – Virginia (Ginny) Mason, R.N., B.S.N. In its second year, the Research Advocacy Champion Award recognizes an individual who has made significant contributions to ensure the unique and valuable perspectives of breast cancer patients, survivors and co-survivors are integrated into the scientific dialogue to drive progress and improve patient outcomes.
Mason has played an integral role in bringing inflammatory breast cancer (IBC) to the forefront of breast cancer research platforms at both the national and international levels. Through 20-plus years of persistent advocacy, she has brought a rare and understudied disease into the mainstream by establishing national IBC patient treatment guidelines, supporting improvements to IBC diagnosis and bolstering IBC funding. Because of her work, the perspectives of those most impacted by IBC, the patients, are now included in shaping breast cancer research in this space.
“The innovative work of these five award recipients and their meaningful contributions to prevention, treatment and care are improving the lives of countless patients,” said Komen’s Co-Chief Scientific Advisor, Ann H. Partridge, MD, MPH, and Interim Chair of Medical Oncology at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. “We are grateful for their dedication to breast cancer and pleased to honor them for all they have accomplished and will continue to do as we work to end suffering from breast cancer.”
Read more about this year’s recipients and the awards they received.
About Susan G. Komen®
Susan G. Komen® is the world’s leading nonprofit breast cancer organization, working to save lives and end breast cancer forever. Komen has an unmatched, comprehensive 360-degree approach to fighting this disease across all fronts and supporting millions of people in the U.S. and in countries worldwide. We advocate for patients, drive research breakthroughs, improve access to high-quality care, offer direct patient support and empower people with trustworthy information. Founded by Nancy G. Brinker, who promised her sister, Susan G. Komen, that she would end the disease that claimed Suzy’s life, Komen remains committed to supporting those affected by breast cancer today, while tirelessly searching for tomorrow’s cures. Visit komen.org or call 1-877 GO KOMEN. Connect with us on social at www.komen.org/contact-us/follow-us/.
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Amanda DeBard
Susan G. Komen
(972) 702-2131