Susan G. Komen®, the world’s leading breast cancer organization, today issued the following statement on the passage of critical breast imaging legislation in Virginia, SB 1436. Diagnostic and supplemental imaging is a critical form of breast cancer screening for some high-risk individuals and an important step in determining the need for a biopsy to rule out or confirm breast cancer. SB 1436 has been approved by the Virginia legislature and signed into law by Governor Glenn Youngkin
“We commend the legislature and Governor Youngkin for eliminating barriers to essential care so that people with state-regulated health plans are able to receive their medically necessary diagnostic and supplemental imaging without the financial burden of high patient cost sharing,” said Molly Guthrie, Vice President of Policy and Advocacy at Susan G. Komen.
“Thousands of Virginians require diagnostic and supplemental breast imaging every year, yet many forgo these critical services due to high out-of-pocket costs. Not anymore. This life-saving legislation means they can now receive the breast imaging they require, likely leading to an earlier breast cancer diagnosis and often better health outcomes.
“Komen will continue to advocate for legislation that ensures fair and equitable access to high-quality breast care for all, no matter their age, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, cancer stage or socio-economic status.”
Learn more about the legislation here.
About Susan G. Komen®
Susan G. Komen® is the world’s leading nonprofit breast cancer organization, working to save lives and end breast cancer forever. Komen has an unmatched, comprehensive 360-degree approach to fighting this disease across all fronts and supporting millions of people in the U.S. and in countries worldwide. We advocate for patients, drive research breakthroughs, improve access to high-quality care, offer direct patient support and empower people with trustworthy information. Founded by Nancy G. Brinker, who promised her sister, Susan G. Komen, that she would end the disease that claimed Suzy’s life, Komen remains committed to supporting those affected by breast cancer today, while tirelessly searching for tomorrow’s cures. Visit or call 1-877 GO KOMEN. Connect with us on social at
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Cristobal Martinez
Susan G. Komen
(972) 701-2135