Charleston, SC, Nov. 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- They say a mind is a terrible thing to waste. It’s a statement most people have heard before. As a child raised in the 70’s, Charles Boyce recalls a public service announcement for the United Negro College Fund featuring the slogan, and its message left a lasting impression on him. And after becoming a Christian as a young adult and entering the field of ministry, the moral became twofold, as he began to consider how Christians often neglect their spiritual mind. “Too many Christians waste the mind that has been given them in Christ,” Boyces says. Inspired to help combat the mental health crisis in America, Boyce presents a new book to teach fellow Christians how to cultivate their own healthy biblical mindset.
In “Having a Healthy Mind through the Mind of Christ,” Boyce believes that the key to mental health is in the application of biblical truths. Boyce’s proposed biblical mental well-being is rooted in service, helping others along on their personal walk with Christ. Targeting pre-teens and up, Boyce uses scripture to illustrate how to maintain a healthy mental and spiritual outlook in a dark and perverse world. “True mental well-being can only be achieved through the application of God’s word,” Boyce says.
“Having a Healthy Mind through the Mind of Christ” is available for purchase on and
About the Author:
Charles Boyce is the senior pastor at Faith Bible Church and has been sharing the gospel for over three decades. In addition to his ministry work, he works as an enforcement agent for Kansas Racing and Gaming Commission and has been involved in law enforcement both in Canada and in Kansas, serving as a volunteer, chaplain, and patrol officer. Formerly the owner and operator of six dojos, he practices karate and holds the rank of sixth degree black belt. He lives in Franklin, Kansas with his wife. Having a Healthy Mind through the Mind of Christ is his first book.
For more information on the author and his ministry, please visit Faith Bible Church or any of his social media profiles.
Facebook: Charles Boyce
Instagram: @charlesboyce6066
Media Contact:
Charles E. Boyce
Available for interviews: Author, Charles E. Boyce

Leah Joseph Palmetto Publishing